Job types
Add multiple Job type under new jobs . Currently, we can make a custom field in the jobs but Like to have a drop down menu, i am a do environmental consulting and get multiple job types for same job. since some jobs require multiple type of testing. This will also help in invoicing, same drop down can be picked when invoice.
some jobs require multiple visits be nice as well if we can have multiple start and end dates base on job type.
Job types are restricted to one because they are inseparably connected to the workflow (statuses).
We recommend you use Work Orders to track multiple work types that you’re doing for a certain customer at a time, allowing you to essentially track different job types going on, and the individual processes for each. You can create boards for Work Orders, which is the best way to track your work towards completion.
If you don’t want to use Work Orders, you could also use Tags on the Job in order to specify different work that you’re doing for that job. Tags can be filtered in Reports, making it easier for you to find these jobs.