778 results found
Expired Links: Should not Resend Emails for Signed Estimates
The new feature that resends estimates if the expired link is clicked on should be updated such that it does not resend if the estimate has been signed.
17 votes -
Add more than one image to the Title Page in SumoQuote
Would like the ability to add more than one photo with a logo in SumoQuote.
6 votes -
SQ Standalone - More than 3 Quote Options
I would like there to be more than 3 quote options for Quotes made in SumoQuote Standalone. Currently there can only be up to 3.
6 votes -
@ group mention
having the option to create a group option for mentions
6 votes -
Auto CC Invoice Emails (including to non-users)
Need to be able to set an automatic CC for invoice emails. It needs to be possible to be someone outside of the organization. It could work as a n automation if there was an option to set up a CC on automation emails.
4 votes -
NSE Authorization Page Replace Line Item
With NSE we can set the options within Quote Details pages to build off of each other or to be their own individual quotes that do not relate to each other. However, the ad-ons that can be created in the Authorization page are not able to be set to replace anything within the quote. It would be great if we got the ability to sort of map the upgrades to which line item they would replace.
3 votes -
Sync Job ID to QB Project ID
We would like the ability to sync the JN Job ID as the QB Project ID this would greatly improve tracking of the data.
3 votes -
Separate Toggles For Debit/Credit Payments
With the recent update regarding passing fees, I would like there to be separate toggles for enabling Credit and Debit cards. That way I could disable the card that cannot pass the fee.
5 votes -
Task Assignments to Estimators/Custom Fields
We have a custom field for jobs that lists the team member who is the estimator. It would be great if tasks could be assigned to that field. For creating a task the assignee field could have that option instead of just the literal names. Especially for automations. That would allow us to auto assign the task to them as well as to other role types that we create that way. Or if there could be another way to mark and auto-assign estimators and other roles like sales reps. "Sales rep" is an option on automations that create tasks, but…
3 votes -
Link Expiration Customization
Ability to change the amount of time until an estimate link expires
8 votes -
Convert Unsigned Estimates
Users would like the ability to convert SumoQuote estimates to Invoices, Material Orders and Work Orders regardless of the signature status; similar to the behavior that previous existed with Legacy Estimates?
15 votes -
Customize the Estimate Detail Page
It would be great if we could customize the estimate detail pages with things like logos or designs. Even a basic PDF page that acts as the background for the line items would be good. That way when we customize the pages we could make them all uniform. This would go for other pages to like the Auth page.
3 votes -
5 votes
Require Internal Notes
It would be great if we could make internal notes required for estimates etc
3 votes -
Customer Access Portal in JobNimbus
Logo would like to have the ability to have their customers access their job in JobNimbus to where they can see certain parts of the process and where it is at.
5 votes -
Upload Size Limit
Sometimes, the files we upload into JN are really large but there is a 100MB limit. It would be great if we could adjust this.
2 votes -
Team Business Hours for Calendar
Currently Setting the scope of our calendar is dependent on the Business Hours in the individual user profile. I would like the ability to set this for users or for my whole team. That way I can be sure everyone has the appropriate windows to view.
4 votes -
4 votes
Remove NSE Estimate resend when signed estimate is clicked in.
We would like the ability to turn off this feature. We don't want our customers getting multiple emailed copies of their estimate after signature.
7 votes -
4 votes
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