JN Pricing with Sumo
What will the pricing be for JN with Sumo added? I'm concerned that it will go up. I'm currently using Leap integrated with JN. I'm not sure if I will ever us Sumo. I heard that we will not have an option to opt out and the price may go up even if we don't use it. I hope this is not the case. I have used Leap for a long time, and our team is comfortable with it. I'm sure Sumo is a great product, but I worry about the learning curve, training time, conversion, setting it up, etc. Even if Sumo is as great or better than Leap, all this takes time, time that we don't have. Please do not increase the price if I don't use Sumo, and don't force me to convert. Let it be my choice. Thanks
This has been an infrequent ask, so with current priorities, it will not be added at this time. It will be considered again if additional requests are made.