Task Assignments to Estimators/Custom Fields
We have a custom field for jobs that lists the team member who is the estimator. It would be great if tasks could be assigned to that field. For creating a task the assignee field could have that option instead of just the literal names. Especially for automations. That would allow us to auto assign the task to them as well as to other role types that we create that way. Or if there could be another way to mark and auto-assign estimators and other roles like sales reps. "Sales rep" is an option on automations that create tasks, but not when just creating the task manually.
Justin Hampton commented
Almost every automation/task we create that involved the estimator or sales rep we have to create a work around because our options are limited to 'current assignee' or a specific person. Im having delay tasks by a few days so that the task of updating the current assignee can be done before the next task is populated due to this limitation. Simply adding a selection for 'Estimator' or 'Sales Rep' assigned would alleviate all of our automation/task issues.