Have offline version of mobile app
Have ability to access/modify data in mobile app offline, and sync to account once online.

Leighton Ross commented
That is very important, because according to our sales rep this was already a feature. Information is suppose to save in a “bubble” and upload once you reach service again!!!
Aaron Mitchell commented
This issue has caused my boss, the owner of our company to almost forgo all use of jobnimbus because of loading issues. I think it highly probable that he will cancel membership if I left the company because the app is so unusable in low signal areas.
Aaron Mitchell commented
I would very much like to see an option where you can turn on local storage so that all notes, photos and documents as well as customer info is available when cell signal is bad or nonexistent. The app would then upload data once it has a sufficient signal.
I have now lost data and had to go re-measure a job because jobnimbus failed to save a note with all my measurements because of bad signal. I consistently do business where signal is iffy and have had to completely forgo using the app on jobsites because of this issue.
Chris Dawson commented
This would be very helpful for us. A setting at the Job (or Contact) level to make that job and associated data available offline.
Get Roofed commented
Have ability to access/modify data in mobile app offline, and sync to account once online.