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JobNimbus Feedback

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13 results found

  1. Ability to add invoice line number

    Ability to add invoice line item number. This makes it easier to go over with your client with.
    1. Work description Qty Price Amount
    2. Work description Qty Price Amount
    3. Work description Qty Price Amount
    4. Work description Qty Price Amount
    5. Work description Qty Price Amount

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  2. Customize estimate design templates

    Request to change the default color of blue on estimates to a different color, or to be able to customize the design.

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  3. Ability to hide MarkUp on invoices

    It would be helpful to have a setting to hide the markup on the invoice for our reps creating invoices.

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    The ability to hide markup on invoices is already available. To do this, visit the setting page, select templates on the left side, navigate to your invoice template and click Edit. You will then see a list of items to display or hide from internal and/or customer view. If you turn off the cost column, customers will not be able to see the markup.

    Please let me know if you have any questions on this.

    Thank you,


  4. 2 votes

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  5. When a job's estimate is signed by the customer send a notification

    I like the new e-sign function but we didn't get notified after the customer signed it. When a job's estimate is signed by the customer send a notification whoever is assigned to that job/contact.

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    This is available today using automations. Set up and event based automation and use the signature status condition to send an email or create a task.

    If you need additional help setting this up, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

    Thank you,

    Adam Keys

  6. 12 votes

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  7. Duplicate lines

    Every time I add a line item on an estimate or invoice from scratch it duplicates it between 3 and 6 times. It's insanely frustrating when I try to delete the duplicate lines the entire item deletes. I have to save the estimate and go back in and delete each duplicate. I'm about to lose my mind and switch my company to another system.

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  8. 'Paid' Stamp on Paid Invoices

    Paid stamp on paid in full invoices. This is not on the newer template, just the older one.

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  9. Estimates - material and labor cost with own markup

    Currently items under products and services have three quantities, Cost, markup and price. It would be awesome to have: material cost, material cost markup, labor cost, labor cost markup and a final price. And on the estimate have those two extra columns as well with totals at the bottom.

    Having this feature would allow us to track labor cost and material cost per job with out having to jump through a lot of calculation hoops to get there.

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    Thank you for your input and votes on this topic. We recently added subtotals for Labor and Materials in all financial documents. Markup is displayed for all line items, including labor, and can be quickly edited.. The new markup slider allows you to quickly adjust markup for all line items in an estimate.
    I would love your feedback on improvements we have made and if any changes still needed.

  10. Option To Hide Subtotal

    On estimates where we are giving several options we do not want the subtotal displaying on the bottom. It would be nice if there was an option when creating an estimate template to be able to take out the subtotal at the bottom.

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  11. Estimate Options (e.g. Good, Better, Best)

    On the estimate be able to have options. So that the options do not all total together at the bottom. Right now it gives an unaccurate total amount.

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  12. Customer approval for Estimates - Signatures

    If customers could sign with their finger on phone or tablet an approval for the estimate that was just sent to them and alert you right away.

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  13. Subtotals for Sections on Estimates and Invoices

    It would be helpful if there was a way to add subtotals throughout the estimate. For example, sometimes we have to do a subtotal for roof, a subtotal for gutters and then an overall total. Is there a way to do that already?

    Thanks for the help!

    30 votes

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