Appointment optimization by Geo-Reference
I would love to see a system within a CRM that takes set aapointment in a geograohical area and offers an optimized route for our specialists to travel in order to see potential clients via a map function like google maps. The system might be able to look at a certain day, recognize a cluster of clients by zip code, and offer the best route between them to fit a time table. This would cut down on time for our back office who have to manually confirm appointments and design a custom route day-in and day-out.
Beth Anderson commented
It helps to be able to pick up a check and similar small tasks when you are already nearby.
Mick Frank commented
It will also be useful for me because I like to travel a lot. My last trip was to Tokyo And in order to set points of interest, I needed geolocation, which I could use. It's so convenient to keep memories
Alexsa Dodd commented
This would be amazing and a feature that we were hoping Job Nimbus had before we signed on!
Or even starting a task linked to a job/customer and having it offer "next available time" based off the nearest address would be wonderful.