Photo arrangement in documents
When using the photos attachment option in templates you can not chose the order in which the photos will appear on the page it is random. I would like the ability to pick and choose which the ordering of photos when attaching them.
We are now gathering feedback to begin building this feature! To meet with the product manager leading this project, use the link below -
Mike Hansen commented
100+ on the ability to sort photos. i.e drag and drop succession once downloaded or before downloading, even folders for photos outlining areas of work would help. A lot of time is spent discerning photos of big jobs.
Travis Hengst commented
Travis Hengst Would like the ability to put pictures in order - this would make things a lot easier and more organized. Also, there are fewer chances of error in miscommunication about a specific project if they are organized and can refer to whatever picture and have them go in order.
Travis Hengst Would like the ability to put pictures in order - this would make things a lot easier and more organized. Also, there are fewer chances of error in miscommunication about a specific project if they are organized and can refer to whatever picture and have them go in order.
Eric Broome commented
I would also like a "photo list" that can be used to make sure that field reps have all necessary photos before proceeding. Good for companies that do similar work for multiple customers.
Breck Baker commented
THIS! It would be very simple to add a date seperation from the photos... So if i upload photos from a job on first visit, they would be in their own category from that date. And then when I am taking pics from teh day of work, they would be in their own category from that date. Same with final pics. VERY NECESSARY. NEED most recent pics uploaded at the top.