Fix photo problem
Photos import from the last job viewed. Requires the user to refresh the browser every time they are viewing a new job. Super annoying and could cause problems if someone made a decision based on the wrong photos. Please fix

Kelly Acrin commented
When deleting photos from a job, a yellow box with constant refresh circle which causes us to have to refresh the page every single time, VERY ANNOYING & TIME CONSUMING; much like the original post here & other comments.
Also, having an option to Delete All or at the very least a way to select multiple photos for either download or delete. Having to delete 1 at a time is also very time consuming. There are many times that we do not need to Download All photos but we need to download multiple.
Please address these issues, I know this has been mentioned in the past, years ago, and I also know that I have requested this 2 years ago & still no resolution.
Anonymous commented
I agree, this is so annoying, I have to refresh 100 times a day. This has been like this for months and I did let them know.
Brad Geske commented
How isn't this at the top of the suggestions list? We have gone to jobsites completely unprepared/wrong materials due to JN showing us the wrong job in the photos. Its a constant battle to remember to refresh the page to view photos on jobs.