Improve picture Quality/Size
We are solar installers as well as roofers. We are a VERY big market that JN could capitalize on. The picture quality from the compression of JN makes many of the pictures illegible and therefore useless. In solar, we need pictures where small labels on breakers, wire etc. must be readable. Very frustrating to be required to go back to a job and tell your techs "NOT" to use JN for photos. We're forced to go back to using WhatsApp to move full-size picture files around.
Roamin' Rich commented
JN is junk. Speak with your feet!
Adam Michaels commented
We have to deal with scrutinizing insurance companies, and photos are key. The loss of small details in photos can cost several hours each job, cost line item approvals, and not-uncommonly cost an entire job. The compression in photos uploaded to jn is really astounding. It's worse than 10 year old industry standard on a second-tier social media site.