Ability to Hide Documents or Photos That Are Not Relevant
Estimate & Invoice Example -- If we send out 3 estimates/invoices for one job and they only sign one, all estimates show in the documents tab without indication of which one is the signed version. Currently, the only way to determine the valid estimate or invoice is to go back to the financials tab and find the Fully Signed estimate number, then go back to the documents tab and match that to the number in the documents tab. When we have 50 jobs running at a time, this is a nightmare. Either they shouldn't copy to documents Unless they are signed or paid OR we should have the ability to hide documents/ pictures that are not applicable so there is less confusion.
Email example -- When a customer has imaged in their signature, all of those images are then shown as individual attachments in the photos tab which makes it incredibly cluttered. We should be able to delete or hide these as they are not relevant.