Photos uploaded in correct sequence
When we upload photos they get way out of order. Our inspections are done with every photo in a specific place. Can they be reordered according to image number? Or can you have them uploaded in the correct order?

Bobby Gonz√°lez commented
When uploading pictures, in a group, Nimbus brings them in all out of order, and there is no way to sort them. Is there any way you can place an option to sort the pictures or organize them to the order one needs or would like them to be? Otherwise, I understand that taking them live and directly from Nimbus puts them in order. But, that is not always going to be possible, and it is difficult to view the photos when they are all out of sequence and order. Thank you.
Bobby Baldwin commented
I agree, this is my first week using it and this function real has to be fixed.
Anonymous commented
Please sequence photos in order when trying to attach to a work order or email. It's very frustrating to try and locate photos when they are in a scrambled order in job nimbus!!
Chris Craven commented
52 CARD PICK-UP: How do I get my photos to be in date order? Company Cam loads all photos in date order regardless of when you load photos, in any time sequence you load a photo, and it doesn't matter where you load photo from. It automatically reorganizes every time to the date the photo was taken or time stamped on the file. Jobnimbus: is the 52 card pickup approach. Very frustrating. So far no has been able to help me with this problem.
Joshua Sanborn commented
Make it possible to have photos organized in the order they're uploaded. I take my photos in a specific sequence. This is extremely crucial, and if not changed, will have me looking to other CRM options.
Don Ross commented
<p>Unable to sort photos. Unable to load or put photos in the order I have them. Need separate tab for photos. Need separate tab/file for emails.Etc.</p>
Tiffany Roofing commented
order the pics by date when attaching to an estimate or work order
OFFICE ADMIN commented
When attaching photos to work orders is there a way to organize the photos in order by date of download so that we don’t have to search the whole attachment library for 1 photo. Any help would be greatly appreciated in this matter.
Anonymous commented
Why does JN scramble photos when they're uploaded from my computer? I take photos in chronological order so when I get back to the office I can view them in the order I take them. Unfortunately my company is mandating using JN and I'm forced using 2 different systems simply because the photos get scrambled up. AS well, it doesn't even seperate drone photos from device photos. My aerials are all mixed up with my roof top photos
Anonymous commented
Photos in the app keep getting scrambled. No way to edit photo or caption after already taken within the app. We order our photos a certain way but once in job nimbus they get shuffled around and it's hard to find certain things
Neil Kreck commented
I wish JobNimbus would arrange photos in the order in which they were taken.
Heidi Herrod commented
When attaching photos to an email or creating a document you cannot put them in order and they are not automatically sorted by document #. IT is important that the photos are in the same order as they are taken for our customers.
James Saunders commented
Wondering why photos do not upload in numeric order when I drag a batch into the files....
Anonymous commented
We have the same issues with the photos that are loaded via iphone by the guys whilst on site. The order seems to be muddled and it would be good if it was possible to reorder them once the information is captured in Nimbus. You can alter notes onto the photos so you could search and sort them that way but some sub filing would be a help.
Neil Kreck commented
It appears as though they are logged into the system according to when they download as opposed to when they were taken.
Mathew Mulholland commented
I am batch uploading them from Google Drive. They are in order in Google Drive and end up in a different order in JobNimbus. We can watch the files uploading and since some are faster uploading than others, the ones that upload first get the top spot. Can we sort by name or something?