Name Documents, Estimates, etc.
When creating documents from templates (and estimates,) each document is given a doc number. There is no way to name the document and it displays as "Document #" which hampers easy recognition of file(s.)

As we continue building out our document builder, this is definitely an option we want to add.
We’ll let you know when we’re able to get this in.
Anonymous commented
At present, we can create Document templates and then use them. However, they are assumed to be to be sent to contact by default. That should change to allow sending to anyone assigned or rep etc. Also, please add the ability to name the document once its created so if we use the same document multiple times. Thank you.
mharris commented
if i am writing multiple estimates for the same person be able to differentiate between them
Adam Dieffenbach commented
Yes, the possibility to name individual estimates was what I was looking for. Thanks.