Signature Line on Estimates & Invoices
Add a signature line for estimates and invoices that can be signed using the JobNimbus mobile app, or emailed and e-signed by the customer, or that can be filled in if a printed signed copy is received.
Done! To do this, just go to the estimate attachment in the JobNimbus mobile app, tap on it, and choose “Add Signature”.
You can do this for any PDF in JobNimbus, not just estimates and invoices now, even if that PDF was from somewhere else.
Tia Albertson commented
Thanks for the "Completed" update -- I'm wondering how Adding a Signature works in the desktop version?
Actually, you can already do an e-sign when emailing, though it isn’t directly on the estimate right now. Just like the mobile signing, it needs to be done on a “Document” template, but you can pull in an estimate into the document that has a signature line, and when you email the document the recipient has a link to sign the document with their name.
We’ll be adding this functionality directly to the estimate soon, as well as expanding the capabilities going forward.
Dave Jones commented
For the majority of our jobs, we send our estimates via email. E-signature capture would be very nice so that customer could sign at their convenience and send back the estimate with signature capture. Initials and e-sign on secondary documents would be great as well, so we can get customer approval on job specifics. The ability for the customer to sign in the app is nice, but something that our company has no use for. The e-sign (similar to what realtors use with Docusign) would be a fantastic addition to your great product.
Michael Brooks commented
I have to protect myself from some legal issues by getting an OK from the client before doing the work.
An eSignature on the quote (online or on mobile app) would accomplish that.
Just like the ePayment I recommended, this should be a simple button in the email/. They click it to approve the quote and its terms. Done.
Jennifer Crutcher commented
would be nice to have an automatic signature line when choosing to send an email...have signature be specific to logged in user