Confirmation and Notification for appointments being moved on calendar - Undo Option
If an appointment on the calendar gets moved, either accidentally or on purpose, there is no notification for it. So especially if it is accidental nobody knows that it was moved/changed. This happens A LOT.

Travis Fooks commented
Setting up email notifications to let you know that the calendar has changed is completely unhelpful. The program already sends waaaay too many emails as it is. I don't need to get 2 emails every time one of my managers pinches his phone to make the screen bigger and moves 2 appointments. It's 2020, how hard can it possibly be with the technology at your disposal to add a feature so every time you move an appt a screen pops up asking if you are sure you want to?
Karen Mechura commented
I'm just reiterating the importance of a fix to appointments being moved on calendar. An "undo" feature would help. The mobile app is especially difficult to maneuver between appts without something accidentally moving
Hello thanks for reaching out!
It is possible to create an email notification in settings in automations when a task type is modified.
First create an email template in settings that has some standard language like, "Task has been changed".
Then create an automation in settings. For example, When a task is modified, If task type is equal to "appointment" (modified), require all conditions to be true and add an action to send an email to assignees (with the email template you made).
You may also put an activity report on your custom dashboard that will show changes to a task such as from what older time and date to what newer time and date. Simply add a filter to the activity report and save it (System Activity > Contains > Any > Task Modified).
You may reach out to support for further details. (
Hope that helps.
Sarah -
Khristal Kelley commented
We schedule in the office, and don't need our technicians to be able to edit our calendar. The slightest touch, rearranges everything. We would love to see an option in the Access Profile to lock the calendar for them. At the very least, a pop up screen to confirm the change, as a safety precaution.
Lawrence Pevec commented
The owner needs to see the full calendar with everyone's jobs when he's in the field, so he looks at the desktop calendar on his iPhone. The app only allows him to see his own jobs.
Lawrence Pevec commented
We've had tasks move on the calendar a number of times. We think it happens when a team member is on the web version on his phone with the full calendar visible and then swipes across. The swipe rearranges his tasks. I'd like tasks to be "locked down" for any but admins.
Chris Richardson commented
I am running into issues that my sales people are accidentally moving appointments and not knowing where it was previously when they are in the calendar view on ipad. Is there a way you can implement an "are you sure" button after something has been moved?
Steve Sentner commented
It is very easy to accidentally drag a task on the calendar, an undo button would allow you to revert the change, because you may not remember the original date and time.