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Calendar & Tasks

23 results found

  1. Work Order Calendar Sync

    We can sync most activities to Google Calendar, but Work Orders to do not push - since the sales rep and sub are assigned, if these could push it would greatly allow both to be more organized.

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  2. Task Templates

    It would be nice to have different task templates that we can use for tasks that are created frequently, but wouldn't necessarily be tied to an automation.

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  3. all day events that dont take up time slot space

    All-Day events that dont take up time slot space in a WEEK view. I will have installations and inspections that have no specific time slot, it would be nice to see them in an all-day area like calendars typically show.

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  4. Customize Task List

    I would like to be able to filter out High Priority tasks, tasks dated today, etc. in my task list.

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  5. Improve Monthly Calendar View

    The view of my monthly calendar currently is elongating the days, so much so, that I can only see one week at a time. I need to scroll up or down to see another week. I discovered this is happening because one or two days have a bunch of tasks, so on the monthly version it makes all the days super long,

    It would be nicer to have something like "+12 more" so i could then click on a specific day rather than needing to have every day be super long.

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  6. automatically set a quote task when contact is scheduled for quote and moved to estimate status

    automatically set a quote task for date specific for sales rep when a start date is set for a contact

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  7. Calendar Access

    Limit access for a team member to look at other team members calendars. Currently any team member can view others no matter what kind of access they have.

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  8. task reminder

    Push notifications for tasks to remind us when they are due. We should get a notification on our phone like we do with Apple Reminders. Set tasks, reminder date/time, then be able to check complete, or remind again in 1 hour, 1 day, etc.
    Thank you!

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  9. Convert an existing task to a sub task/assign a parent task

    Instead of having to delete an existing task and recreate it as a sub task, it would be very helpful to be able to select a parent task in the edit window.

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  10. Increase Calendar Task Size Displayed on Calendar

    I am wanting to increase the size of the boxes shown in the calendar for each task. So I can see all the necessary info for the task.

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  11. Sort Tasks newest to oldest

    I do not need to see what I have accomplished I need to see new tasks as they come in, sorting tasks newest to oldest would be a great help.

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  12. Confirmation and Notification for appointments being moved on calendar - Undo Option

    If an appointment on the calendar gets moved, either accidentally or on purpose, there is no notification for it. So especially if it is accidental nobody knows that it was moved/changed. This happens A LOT.

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  13. Work orders need to be Appointments on the calendar!!!!! That is the only way to sync with Goggle calendar.

    Work orders need to be Appointments on the calendar!!!!! That is the only way to sync with Google calendar.

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  14. Provide the option to colour code tasks

    I run the business myself and when looking at my overall week it would be invaluable to be able to differentiate between tasks via colour. At the moment you only provide the function to colour code team members but like I said I am self employed and carry out all duties myself. Having a clear image of how my time is being spent would ensure I know I have made time for essential tasks... a small icon just isn't enough.

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  15. Show Subtasks underneath Tasks in lists

    I think this would really simplify listings and reports. It would also make it easier in the calendar display to show subtasks listed under their parent tasks. For example:
    System construction (Task)
    task1 (subtask)
    task2 (subtask)
    Electrical construction (Task)
    elec task1 (subtask)
    elec task2 (subtask)

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  16. Weather Conditions on Calendar and Events

    I wish JN's calendar showed the weather forecast for the city that the jobs are scheduled in.

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  17. Monthly Calendar View - present week at top

    It drives me crazy that I have to scroll down to get to the current week in my calendar rather than having the present week at the top of the page. I like to look at the calendar in the monthly view but I want this week to be the top week rather than the first week of the month.

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  18. Work Orders on the Calendar Should Fade After Completion Like Tasks Do

    When a Task is completed, it becomes slightly faded out on the calendar to more easily differentiate between completed tasks and incomplete tasks. This would be a great feature to add to Work Orders. They would look normal until they were marked as "Complete" at which point they would fade slightly but keep their place on the calendar.

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  19. Auto Create Tasks of Certain Task Types with Sub Tasks

    Long and short;
    Not only allow Jobnimbus to create different task types, but also the ability for the task types automatically created to have information pre-populated and automatically have sub tasks in the task.

    For example;
    Task is Send in XXX Document
    Sub Task; Fax document to xxx-xxxx
    Sub Task; Email Document to

    It would also be nice if the task could not be closed until all sub tasks are completed.

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  20. Option to Hide All Completed Items on Calendar (Work Orders, etc)

    Once work order is complete it will be removed from the calendar but stay on the contact.

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