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JobNimbus Feedback

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41 results found

  1. Report filter for the user who marked a task as complete (or incomplete)

    Management wants to be able to easily see who completed tasks of a specific nature. For instance, we have tasks automatically created for our reps to follow up with old clients. We want to be able to see how many follow up tasks each rep checked off.

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  2. Ability to Send out Custom Reports Automatically

    Send automated emails with custom reports daily, weekly, etc.


    Send out a report with all jobs in a certain status to the operations team daily
    Send out a report with all scheduled jobs for a specific sales rep weekly


    Could be done with any report and any time interval

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  3. Favorites

    Add a favorite button for the reports most used in classic reports by each user. Save time sorting through everyone else's reports.

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  4. I need an "ASSIGNED TO" filter for invoice reports.

    I can not filter my claims per PA the claim is assigned to see amount invoiced per PA. I need to be able to run this report ASAP. and the only way to do this is to make "assigned to" available in the filter and columns. Sales Rep doesn't help, as the same rep is on all claims.

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  5. Adding the Branch custom field to an insights report or Class which is not a custom field

    Hello, we have a custom field for Branches within a location. We would like to add the custom field "Branch" to a Workflow insights report. Please advise. Or have a column "Class" added to the Workflow insights report. Thanks.

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    0 comments  ·  Custom Reports  ·  Admin →
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  6. Activity Report - Contains Filter for Note Field

    Previously, reports would allow you to pull an activity report and then apply a contains filter to the note field. Please reinstate this functionality.

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    0 comments  ·  Custom Reports  ·  Admin →
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  7. Automated Report Exporting in Classic Reports

    wanting to add a feature for automated reporting where someone can set (for themselves or on behalf of other users) a certain report to kick out at a desired interval via file (PDF, Excel, etc.).

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  8. Real Time Google Sheets Sync

    I wish my data could sync in real time with Google Sheets. That way I could create automated metrics that combine data from QuickBooks, JN, and my GPS tracking. Right now we are tracking manually and it's time consuming.

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  9. The ability change the way that reports are ordered / organized

    Example: We have an "Open Jobs Report" with all of our different job status' for currently open jobs. The issue is, in order to use this report; we have to constantly scroll up and down throughout the page because we can't put the job status' in the proper order on the report. They can only be alphabetically ordered.

    I've attached a picture for a better explanation.

    We would like to see

    -Tear off in progress
    -Tear off complete
    -Materials delivered

    all in order!

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  10. Deleted Payments on the activity report

    It would be very nice to have the ability to see deleted payments on a custom activity report.

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    We need PIE CHARTS!! To see sales and invoices and leads. to see it at a glace in color codes would be AWESOME and make our life easier. You already have the ability to make these reports but to see them in color at a glance would be awesome.

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  12. Reporting around uploaded documents.

    The ability to pull reports on uploaded documents. Such as when uploaded, and by whom.

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  13. A way to flip through the material orders with the arrow keys on the Material orders report

    A way to flip through material order in the report without having to click on each individual one (without having to go back to the report)

    A way to flip through the material orders with the arrow keys

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  14. Full Individual Job Report

    I want to be able to click in a job and produce a job report of just that job that shows all notes, estimates, invoices and payments for that job. It would also be good to be able to see at least the titles and/or counts of any documents or attachments uploaded to that job. It would be REALLY great to be able to see the overview of the job from Lead to Paid. Does something like this exist?

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  15. Ability to create line item report

    Please include the ability to report on line items. This would be helpful when trying to track work order items that have been completed since it would be exportable to Excel or Csv.

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  16. Clickable Board Titles

    It would be great to be able to click on the board title and get a list of the jobs in that status so that we can easily see everyone in that status and export/print the list. If we could still click on a job that would be great too. I am constantly trying to build reports for this but it would be SUCH a major time saver if we could just click on the board titles.

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  17. Pull a report that allows you to see email activity - Opened Emails, Bounced Emails, Etc.

    I would like to have the ability to pull reports that shows the status of client emails. We have tons of clients in the system and automated emails. We would like to pull a report to see which clients have opened them, not opened, or bounced in order to follow up accordingly.

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  18. Ability to combine report types into one.

    Ability to combine reports types into one would be very helpful.

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  19. Searching by signature date in Doc. report

    Ability to filter a document report by signature status and date like the estimates report. Currently, the signature filter is not setup to detect fully signed documents dates. The report blanks out no matter what date range you set it to. It would be great to use this filter to find date signatures using the new signature feature.

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  20. Grouped Reports - Collapsing Groups

    When I have a report grouped with calculations, when I collapse the grouped area, it doesn't retain the calculations. It removes the totals & sums applied such as on an invoice report. I would like to be able to retain that information so that it is easier to view without all of the scrolling.

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