Improvements to Reports (Charts & Graphs, reorder, etc)
The UI for reporting is painful.
Can we, for example -
- Utilize the full screen real estate?
- Be able to customize the reporting page? For example be able to reorder reports?
- Can we customize the built-in reports?
- Can we add graphs and charts in custom reports?

Glenn Christensen commented
You need to have a way to organize the reports you've created into folders by user or report types. For example, a folder for reports used by sales people and a separate folder for reports used by managers.
As others have stated, there also needs to be additional information available to be brought into a report. For instance, a work order report should be able to display the sales rep and billing amount without having to resort to custom fields on the work order. That's just unnecessary extra data entry
Shae Mayner commented
It would be great to be able to export data from job lead report and other "preloaded" reports. I also would like to see the graph feature expanded to other reports as well as options for graph usage.
Paul Carlson commented
Current Sales customizable by date range of month/quarter/year for each sales representative. This will be invoice totals. I can generate a report, but I would like this displayed in a graph format so it is easier to view.
Anonymous commented
We really need the ability to create reports very similar to the sales pipeline report so that we can have graphs that show process on the various reports we create. Currently, you don't have this as an option and it makes reporting quite difficult. We'd love to have this added.
Michael Deveraux commented
When Creating a "My Saved Report" It would be nice to be able to include a pie chart/Line Chart like on the built in reports.
Example: I want to Run a report showing total Dollar amount of work orders created by rep assigned.
Sherri Simms commented
I am talking about on the Reports tab not the Dashboard. The dashboard view is not the same as the report tab view.
Sherri Simms commented
The built-in reports are pretty much useless for us due to their lack of customization; therefore we are left to create all custom reports. It is frustrating that these four built-in reports cannot be hidden or moved to be out of the way to make the reports we are using more front and center. We have about 15 reports we like to use.