Report/List for @mentions
I want to make a report that shows the places where I am tagged in the @name option for a note.

Cheryl Morris commented
Our office has been trying to utilize the @mentions because it's great to be able to tag a note with both the customer and the staff member involved.
Without a way to view all @mentions (sorted by date received?) WHILE actually working in JN, we are missing critical notes. Like the one yesterday when we realized that a customer was never invoiced even though there was an @mention.
Kimberly Miller commented
It would be extrememly helpful to have eithe a report or section added to the dashboard that showed @name, that we could go back and reread as needed.
Often times these are extremely important notes, however, without the ability to go back and search through them with ease, it's easy to lose track of important notifications.
Brandon Summers commented
I would like to have a notification center on the dashboard of JN to show us the amount of mentions, tags, or automations that go out and to give us the option to opt out of email notifications. We get so many emails a day regarding work opportunities, JN tends to overtake my email. I love the features and appreciate the ability to get daily notifications on pressing matters on our dashboard that have dates and such, but having the notifications on our JN dashboard kind of like FB sets up to show us any type of notification would be much better utilized especially for our field guys who have no way of being in front of their email all day. They need a way to check their notifications and handle it from their devices.
Tim Hooper commented
I would like to have a notification center on the dashboard of JN to show us the amount of mentions, tags, or automations that go out and to give us the option to opt out of email notifications. We get so many emails a day regarding work opportunities, JN tends to overtake my email. I love the features and appreciate the ability to get daily notifications on pressing matters on our dashboard that have dates and such, but having the notifications on our JN dashboard kind of like FB sets up to show us any type of notification would be much better utilized especially for our field guys who have no way of being in front of their email all day. They need a way to check their notifications and handle it from their devices.
Maggie Robertson commented
I would like to have a notification center on the dashboard of JN to show us the amount of mentions, tags, or automations that go out and to give us the option to opt out of email notifications. We get so many emails a day regarding work opportunities, JN tends to overtake my email. I love the features and appreciate the ability to get daily notifications on pressing matters on our dashboard that have dates and such, but having the notifications on our JN dashboard kind of like FB sets up to show us any type of notification would be much better utilized especially for our field guys who have no way of being in front of their email all day. They need a way to check their notifications and handle it from their devices.
Hugo Shrader commented
I would like to see an end to all the emails JN sends me. Whether I'm on my phone or computer and I have an email from JN and I click on view note each time it makes me sign into JN to read and view it. I would prefer to open JN and have an area to see all my notifications. As a manager I get too many emails from JN and it's takes to much time to sign in ever single time to read each note. It's especially annoying while working on my phone in the field where I spend most of my time. The app opens without signing in but to have to keep signing in from the emails sucks. It slows me down and I'm losing time to continue to repeat the sign in process every single time I want to view a note that is attached to JN. Thank you
Dominique Johnson commented
I would like to also have a notification center on the dashboard of JN to show us the amount of mentions, tags, or automations that go out and to give us the option to opt out of email notifications. We get so many emails a day regarding work opportunities that JN tends to overtake my email. I love the features and appreciate the ability to get daily notifications on pressing matters on our dashboard that have dates and such, but having the notifications on our JN dashboard kind of like FB sets up to show us any type of notification would be much better utilized especially for our field guys who have no way of being in front of their email all day. They need a way to check their notifications and handle it from their devices.