Report Filter by a specific status date change or change job creation date manually
We keep a running job board of all the jobs we bid on and it's separated by year.
One of the reasons I loved JN was that because we set up the jobs in JN, we could generate these reports automatically and not as a separate step.
Problem I have with trying to do this through Job Nimbus is that we set up a job days or weeks prior to sending out an estimate. As some jobs have a long bidding timeline or other jobs may take one or two visits or discussions with the client before a final estimate is sent to them. So at the beginning of the year and end of the year, our data gets skewed. I may have set up the job in JobNimbus in December but we didn't bid it until January, so now that job is missing from our report because it was created in December. And likewise, on jobs that we are now starting to work on but were bid last year prior to having JN, if I add those job's now to JN for our crew, it shows up on reports as a job from this year, again skewing data. So a way to override the 'created' date on instances like this would be helpful.
If I could set a filter that says when a job status was set to "Bid" (estimate sent) for the given year that would also fix this issue.
I worked with customer service on this and while I can set it for a status change date - if we move the status again from bid to sold or install or job lost, then those then won't show up on the report now because they aren't in the status of "Bid" anymore.

Hello Melanie,
This could be accomplished by adding a custom field called “Bid Date” that an automation populates when you set status to “Bid”. Then you could create a report that uses the “Bid Date” to populate the reports. Setting up the field, automation and report shouldn’t be to difficult, but if you have problems feel free to contact support at
Melanie McCalley commented
I explained all this to customer support already who said there wasn't a way to do it and that I should create a user voice ticket as a feature request.
I do see what you are saying by adding a custom field, however that seems a bit cumbersome... as you already have that information in the system. When we switch the status from 'new' to 'proposal sent', that is the date that we are needing to base the report off of. The info is already there, just not a filter to make it work. It will take weeks to go back retroactively and add in a custom field to all of our jobs.