Generate Photo Reports Like CompanyCam
We need a feature that allows us to generate photo reports with the pictures in our job files that's similar to CompanyCam's. We can already select multiple photos while in a job, now we just need an option to create a photo report. It doesn't need to be anything crazy or extensive either. Just something that allows you to edit the title, section headings, and add brief descriptions to each picture you include.
We are trying to use as few applications as we can to run our business, and we would like to only use JobNimbus for everything if we can. Adding this feature would move us closer to that.
This has been an infrequent ask, so with current priorities, it will not be added at this time. It will be considered again if additional requests are made.
Brittany Etienne commented
This is a big concern of ours as well. We just switched to Job Nimbus and this is a huge issue with being able to efficiently run our business. We have had this issue as well as not being able to delete products and services that are unwanted. Huge concerns that will make or break the functionality of the system.
Anonymous commented
Adam, although it may be an infrequent ask, it is important. I understand priorities, but just because it isn't in the feedback (which a lot of people aren't even aware is taken to heart and never post anything), doesn't mean it isn't an issue. The underlying issue here is that Company Cam (CC) has a LOT of business from a LOT of us, but only because a couple of tools they have aren't in JN. We want to use JN alone, not with the need to use CC or programs like it. And all it takes is a few of those changes to include things CC has to keep us from having to pay monthly for CC and be 100% loyal to JN. And, the things being asked for seem mostly related to the photo editing and report tools CC has that JN doesn't have. If you could just find a photo tool that includes those few things, you would have a much happier customer base and ones who have more money to spend on extra JN tools, such as the texting addition. Photos are probably one of the most important things we need with any software we use in the construction industry. It's what gets us jobs, what people look at in presentations, what helps when trying to get clients to pay for upgrades, and is often the main thing that is used in group meeting when talking about a particular situation or issue going on in the pre and post construction phases of any project. And, coming from an IT background, I know just about every tool we are asking for already exists in a drop and drag app that could be put into the code of the JN app with minor changes.