Basic Photo Editing
Is there a plan to make it possible to edit or rotate photos in the app and/or online?
Potential ideas:
• Crop
• Rotate
• Enhance colors

No plans yet, but certainly something we’ve considered and would certainly look into!
Anonymous commented
I posted a comment on another thread about making photo editing available on the desktop app, more related to marking up photos. It was a lengthy comment, but this rotating, cropping, etc.... post is part of my marking up as well. To say you don't have plans for this and don't have any of it in the desktop version, when you already have some of it the mobile app, doesn't make sense. I don't think JN realizes how many of us desperately NEED these photo editing abilities on on both the mobile and desktop app. And, just because it isn't noted in feedback, doesn't mean it isn't a big problem. I'm guessing that if you took a poll of all your users and asked how important it is to their workflow, most would say either important or critical. For me, it is critical. Please revisit this with R&D. If it is on the mobile app, it should also be on the desktop app. As with my other comment, I can't fathom taking 100+ photos in the field and then spending another hour on my phone (sitting in my truck with it running and using up gas or standing out in the heat of Texas), with tiny print using my fingertips, trying to edit, mark up, crop and rotate my photos one by one. And it's not like these tools aren't already built for an app designer to drop and drag into the software. Why would this be delayed being added to the desktop version?
Kaloni Pedigo commented
I would like a feature added to be able to rotate photos once uploaded to a contact/job.