709 results found
MO recognize taxes when created and converted into invoice
When creating a MO from scratch without converting from an estimate. The taxes are included in the products and services however, do not populate in the Material order unless you create an estimate and convert to a Material order and then convert to an invoice.
1 vote -
Side Bar - Recent Activity
It would be good to see recent activity, notes, and uploads in the side bar
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Add Address Field to Contact Creation
In Jobs V2, there is no option to add the address to the contact when creating a contact from the + at the top of the screen. This is causing users to have to edit the contact to add the address after it has been created and causing issues with syncing to SumoQuote.
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Dynamic Form Options
I would like to be able to create a form template that only shows certain sections when I have previously selected a specific option. For example, if I want someone to select a shingle type, I then want additional questions to appear based on that shingle type.
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Status Change Activity Report
I would like to be able to create a classic report that shows me specifically only status changes to contacts or jobs and not all contact modification activities.
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Invoice payment terms
Have the option for Net90 as a payment term for an invoice.
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Limit Access to Eagle View
Create option to limit who has access to order Eagle View reports in Access Profiles.
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NSE estimate layout on mobile reflect on desktop
when creating a layout via the mobile app it saves as a layout under my layouts on the desktop version and the ability to edit the layouts on the mobile version
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Simplify the New Sales Experience Estimate
I would like to be able to create a one page estimate for the insurance company to view. Right now, for my company, I need to send just one page to the insurance company, but I need to include my company details with a cover page.
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