Edit fonts and styles throughout JobNimbus - bold, italicized, underlined, size, etc.

Would this be for providing emphasis on certain products/services, or certain aspects of products/services? Do you have examples that you could share with us, or specific cases where this would be useful?
Bill Thomas commented
Especially in the NSE. Adding custom PDF's, all with a specific style can add some real kick to a quote. But when it's contrasted against a plain vanilla "Custom Text Page" or one of the static elements of the quote that you can't change, it really detracts from the overall consistency of the quote. It's difficult to achieve a Corporate Brand across estimates and the like without this ability to add more visual attributes to general text entities.
Krista Adams commented
This should not be a hard feature to offer, particularly as JN already has Font Awesome built into its backend framework. Even the ability to utilize basic Google Fonts would be great and Google has Open API.
Breelyn Cardon commented
The ability to change the customer information section of the work orders to be regular text not italicized.
Chad commented
Not sure if there is another “thread” or “post” for the description or other fields font size topic, but either way, I see the last response was December 07, 2017 for Gathering Feedback. Is there any update on if changing the font size is being considered.
Chad commented
The ability to adjust font size in almost any other “section” of any type of “template” or “document” form layout is great, but would also be beneficial to adjust the font size of the description as the estimate we present to the customer is a descriptive type scope of work and not just a parts order. An increase in font size would greatly improve the ability to quickly go over information with a homeowner which they’re most likely not familiar with to begin with. Like another comment mentioned, the majority of our customers are over 50 years of age, and many in their 70’s, and putting a piece of paper in front of them with the current font size automatically puts them in a state of mind not focused on the actual substance of the estimate, but trying to literally focus and read it in general.
Timothy Gilliam commented
Please change the font to 12 instead of an apparent 10 so more people can easily read it after it is printed.
Chris Arrington commented
You need to have the ability to bold, enlarge text size, change font, etc. in PRODUCTS AND SERVICES descriptions. The estimates look BORING!
Also, on the estimate below JOB NUMBER and ADDRESS and above DESCRIPTION you allow us to insert text. I have filled it with the item in my estimate that get color or style or size options. I would like to be able to fill in the blanks in that area on the computer. Currently I have to fill it in by hand on a piece of paper. -
Bo commented
Is it possible to increase the font size on estimates?
Also would like to increase the font size for viewing the website overall as well.
Andrea Dobbelaere commented
We could also use choice of font, size, color, bold, italic, etc.
Samantha Ingram commented
I agree, the font size is a big issue with my team, and customers as well. There are other portions of the template that are customize-able but not the item name and description boxes- I dont see why they cant also be customize-able. Would help us out a lot!
Jessica Killion commented
For me, the biggest thing is mostly because we work with a lot of clients who are in the 50-60 year old range who don't always have their reading glasses with them. It would be nice to be able to make an entire estimate template with a larger font, or make certain words bold in a description to call attention to something special. That is the biggest request i have received since utilizing this software from our sales team
Michael Riter commented
Definitely need some flexibility to format proposals in a variety of ways. We need to be able to have some fields (sections) that are not $$ related or tie into the total, like optional items/services or a term/disclaimer item.
Also, when creating a document, would love to be able to control the page breaks. The default page breaks are awkward.
Abby Murphy commented
Ronnie Smith was in today for training and we couldn't figure out how to make the Special Instructions section have a larger font. It doesn't seem that you can change that and it's an issue because my suppliers, subs and team have a hard time reading the small type. Please advise on how we can change this. Thank you
Edwin Landis commented
The second page lacks a clear link with the 1st page. Also to be professional, it should have the company letter head on the second page.
Anonymous commented
The designs are a little basic. We are currently working on Xactimate and want to change over to Job Nimbus.
We want to be able to customize the font, borders, move the logo into another area, etc.
Justin Kibbe commented
I use the Estimate as the contract, which means it's 3 pages long, and I need to be able to force a page break in certain places, and am having extreme difficulty doing this.