My feedback
70 results found
8 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
3 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
33 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad supported this idea ·
14 votes
We are now gathering feedback to begin building this feature! To meet with the product manager leading this project, use the link below -
Chad supported this idea ·
3 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Agree. We've resulted to just renaming a hidden one anytime a new item is needing added. It's also odd not being able to delete a variation of an item.
6 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
4 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Great idea, and would be extremely helpful to have internal notes for Products & Services items.
102 votes
Great news! We are planning on adding Google Maps autocomplete functionality, so that whenever you create or edit a Job in JobNiimbus, as you begin to type the address the suggested Google Maps locations will appear below. This should greatly streamline the process of adding new leads and Jobs, and improve the accuracy of the data inputted as well.
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Any updates on this one?
Chad supported this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Obviously this is an old Post, but I'm curious if the Poster Brent Robinson is still using JobNimbus, and if so what his thoughts are on NSE. If you get a notificaton of this comment on your Post, please respond with a comment as well. It's great that Products & Services now communicate with the NSE estimates, but also wondering if you ever found a workaround for the ability to import, export product items, etc?
Chad supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Same concern with photos, etc. At least with estimates, Legacy estimates anyway. you can just go in as if editing the estimate, but at the bottom choose "save as template", name it whatever you want to identify it, then go into your Job, choose that template to create your estimate, and then once saved it's under the Job you want it in. Not sure about the NSE one's yet.
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Yes please. How long is the current signature request good for?
Chad supported this idea ·
5 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Completely agree. Some, most, who knows, may not even realize there's a .pdf attachment as well, and when viewing the NSE estimate on a phone screen after clicking the "Review and Sign Here" button/link, it looks terrible. There's a native/built-in "sent for review" email template in the settings which looks to be for this specific purpose, so maybe there's a feature someone hasn't enabled yet which allows this. Another concern is once the NSE estimate is sent, we're unable to edit it (which does make sense), but we should at a minimum be able to view it in a way that shows UOM, Qty's, Pricing, etc. without having to cancel the "signature request" ability, or duplicate the estimate.
Chad supported this idea ·
213 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Features like this rate up there with addresses still not able to auto-populate when entering Contacts and Jobs, and nearly as important as being able to have a product catalog/library itself. With the recent addition of SumoQuote, the ability to export, import, bulk edit, etc. is now even more important for users who create estimates inside JobNimbus. With the "Legacy" estimate, the fact products from the Products & Services library/catalog didn't communicate with estimate templates killed the interest in creating multiple templates just due to more than double work of updating a price here, then going to the template, then never mind if found a miss-spelled word and have to go through the same back-and-forth. With the NSE/SumoQuote estimate templates now able to directly update from changes in Product & Services, I know our company is planning on creating more templates for consistency, which will also equate to likely additional items in Products & Services, so please find a way to implement the ability to export and import the Products & Services library/catalog of items, from within JobNimbus without any special work arounds which sounds like some found by utilizing Quickbooks. It'd be interesting to do a poll on how many business owners feel resources would be better spent on features like the one this Post is for, address auto-population, page break designations on NSE estimates, email integration, photo editing through web browser, etc., than the Peak Performance report, JNSS2025, and other "improve your (fill in the blank)" bits. Definitley not saying those aren't or can't be helpful or insightful, but at some point even a mass update on some of the more popular voted on Post would go a long way.
Chad supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Allow importing and exporting of items to Products & Services via .csv or other spreadsheet format.
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Would also be nice if the phone number had dashes and didn't populate as one whole number.
Chad supported this idea ·
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Being able to add an internal note quickly visible on the Financials screen would be helpful. Makes it easy to see what each estimate within a Job is for, based on, special notes, etc.
Chad supported this idea ·
23 votes
Which templates are you wanting to add a page break to?
On certain forms, like an estimate, it seems like the page breaks would need to be conditional based on the number of line items, which would be quite tricky.
AaronAn error occurred while saving the comment Chad commented
Page numbers at a minimum should auto-generate for every page completed. A document, or even estimate# to tie each page together is an important factor. Adding a footer, or header with consistency between "good", "better", "best" pages would also create a more defined easier to understand "look" for the customer.
Chad supported this idea ·
6 votes
Chad shared this idea ·
4 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
4 votes
Chad supported this idea ·
Ability to zoom/expand the photo when viewing would help as well.