Job Account Address to Sync to QB Ship To Address - so Sales Tax reports will be accurately
Job Address should sync with QB Ship To Address so Sales Tax will report accurately. Currently we have to manually update the the addresses in QB (on every friggin job account in WA state) so the Parent name and address shows in the Bill To field and the Job Name and Address will show in the Ship To field - which is where QB pulls the tax rate from.

Closing out due to age of request, that it was fixed, or that it won't be implemented. Cleaning up our votes to make sure we are focusing on the greatest impact.
Anonymous commented
The ability to sync the actual Job address is extremely important. Why even have a separate line for a job address if you aren't going to sync it? I have to go in and manually change the address every time i need to send an invoice via QB and then switch it back so that the correct job address is listed. I wouldn't need to send a invoice via QB if I had the ability to easily switch off the Pay with credit card option for certain customers. We calculate a credit card fee into each bid so they can pay with credit card. this works with smaller amounts but for jobs with larger price tags we do not want to incorporate the added cost. This is why we need to send the Invoice via QB so it wont give them the option to pay via CC.
Jenny Eames commented
Yes! Sales tax isn't as much as an issue for us, however, it pretty much defeats the purpose of using jobs in the majority of our cases when you have clients that own multiple properties or do work for builders and bill them directly for jobs on multiple properties.