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JobNimbus Feedback

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4 results found

  1. Send Subcontractor Calendar Invites

    Add the ability to send a calendar invite with tasks or workorders. Subcontractors currently only receive emails and it would be better if a calendar invite was sent, if even as an attachment, in the email notification, so the subcontractor can easily add the assignment to their calendar.

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  2. Ability to keep track of sub contractor's insurance

    It would be great if we had to ability to keep track of subcontractors licenses, insurance and certifications. I'd like the ability to store the documents with the sub contractor.

    Most important would be email notifications on pre-defined intervals about expiring documents, so we would have warning in order to obtain new certs, etc..

    I just moved from a competing product that had this feature and it was one of the only good things I can say about it.

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    Viewed  ·  4 comments  ·  Subcontractors  ·  Admin →
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  3. Show Jobs Assigned on Subcontractor Contact Page

    Itt would be really nice if when viewing a contact that has the "subcontractor" parameter marked, any jobs where the subcontractor is listed as the subcontractor in "Subcontractor" Field would appear on their contact page. The result would be similar to how the jobs appear for any contact listed as a "Related Contact" on a job.
    Reason: I want to be able to pull up my subcontractor's contact page and quickly view all open jobs that subcontractor is currently doing for us. This can be beneficial for billing purposes, phone conversations with the subcontractor and more.

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  4. Subcontractor Pay Function

    One of the biggest pains in my neck is paying subcontractors. We export the job list to Excel and then generate a tab for payment for each job. I just hired an Excel demi-god to streamline the process, but I think it would be a good near-future project for JN. It seems that it would be so easy to have a sub-pay form that is built off of the work order. I hate to ask you to do this because I don't want to make it easy for my competition, but I think it would be worth doing. If you…

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