Subcontractor Pay Function
One of the biggest pains in my neck is paying subcontractors. We export the job list to Excel and then generate a tab for payment for each job. I just hired an Excel demi-god to streamline the process, but I think it would be a good near-future project for JN. It seems that it would be so easy to have a sub-pay form that is built off of the work order. I hate to ask you to do this because I don't want to make it easy for my competition, but I think it would be worth doing. If you consider this, can I be involved in its development?

We will be going over these kinds of suggestions soon after finishing up some high priority features. We’ll update here with our plan going forward.
Jenya Nerovniy commented
If you have a person who does special reports for you every month and you give him a lot of money for it, then you should probably consider option custom financial software development so as not to pay your Excel god every month. I think that in the long run it will be much cheaper than paying a person a salary every month for several years. Alternatively, you can contact CodeIT . They have been developing turnkey projects of any complexity for many years, so they will not have any difficulties with your request. I don't think there's anything supernatural about you.
Віталій Петренко commented
Remember, this is a simplified guide, and the complexity of your solution will depend on the specific requirements of your subcontractor payment process. If you're not comfortable with the technical aspects, you may want to consult with a professional developer or a software development team.
Duffy Admin commented
We need to be able to better track monies going in and out. As a solution, we were told to list our vendor/subcontractor/material payments under "commissions" in the budget report. Doing this does not allow us to view a detailed report, organize it in any way, and generally doesn't work well for this purpose. We would like a better solution meant for tracking our payments out and not just payments in.
Lisa Carlquist commented
We are TIRED of exporting, sorting, and working an extra hour when all of the info is already in JN. We should be able to create a report for this.
John Simmons commented
This would be very helpful. I don't think it needs a whole separate form however. If you could simply add a "Subcontractor Pay" section when creating a new product/service, we would be able to enter the amount that the sub gets paid for that product. This would let it auto-populate in the same way that price and cost do now when building work orders. Then have the option to show the "Sub Pay" Column when setting up work order templates that way the sub can see not only what they are getting for each product or service, but also their total pay for the job.
Tia Albertson commented
EXPORTING Work Orders to Excel is a great idea for companies working with multiple subs on an Approved Estimate.... tracking sub pay and assigned work is much easier when you can segment the info and Excel is the best resource for working with the data - love, love that you're considering an option for Exporting Work Order data! THANKS JobNimbus Team!