Ability to keep track of sub contractor's insurance
It would be great if we had to ability to keep track of subcontractors licenses, insurance and certifications. I'd like the ability to store the documents with the sub contractor.
Most important would be email notifications on pre-defined intervals about expiring documents, so we would have warning in order to obtain new certs, etc..
I just moved from a competing product that had this feature and it was one of the only good things I can say about it.

John Smolnik commented
This would be fantastic. As a shortcut I just created another field withing the 'Contact Fields' for their W9, Work Comp, and Gen Lib, and then have created tasks to remind me when to be aware of when the sub-con's insurance will expire.
Anonymous commented
I wish there was a way that we could track sub-contractor's Insurance and licensing. Even better if we could get alerts if above is expired etc. Also, reports to track the same would be great!
Justin Kahmann commented
I've been doing this as a Task under each Sub as a work around. Problem is it shows up in my task list, as a future task 12 mths out, but with all our subs, my task list is forever long. It would be nice if it was someplace else.
Chris Viscelli commented
It would be great if we could put our Sub-Contractors General Liability and Workers Comp Insurance in JobNimbus, with the ability to set automated email reminders for renewal. For Example we could put a sub's G/L insurance information in, and set JobNimbus to send a reminder email to the sub and to a project manager for renewal at any date we choose. This would be an excellent feature.