Reminder or Alert feature in Calendar
We should be able to set reminders/alerts on scheduled items to notify the assignee(s) before the due date.
Example: Remind me 15 minutes before scheduled appointment.

Andrew Kunzie commented
Is this feature available? If not, this would be incredibly helpful with a reminder for a scheduled phone call.
Becky Ramirez commented
This is much needed!
Melanie McCalley commented
Any closer on this one yet? Definitely needed for our team as well!
NPR Inc commented
allow us to put expiration notifications everywhere so that we can handle crews tasks and even our reminders
Mignon Haye commented
This would be SOOO helpful if we could set reminder. We set tasks for Job Starts and i wish there was a notification that a job had to start in an hour so that my field workers would get the notification (preferably push notification) that they had to leave. Being able to set the time and hour before, two hours before, 1 day before etc. would be so helpful. It would be a similar set up as outlook has for their calendar. Please ADD THIS FEATURE!!!
Camilla Wood commented
I would like if calendar tasks or events had notifications before the set time to alert user that they have an upcoming task!
Vanessa Sprengelmeyer commented
This would be particularly helpful for our sales people out in the field. Any closer yet?
This is a feature that will definitely be coming! In the meantime, if you sync with Google Calendar, you can set reminders on those events there as a workaround for now until we can build this feature in JobNimbus.
April Koop commented
Yes! I really wish someone would answer this question. We need reminders 30 minutes prior to our appointments, but I don't see how to make this happen.
JKing commented
YES! Why hasn't this been done????
Example, lets say I am creating my task, I fill out the regular fields I normally would.. I.E: Date of Appointment/Task, Assigned To, Related Job/Contact... Down in this field area it should have the choice for reminders. And you chose a time and/or date to be reminded of this up coming task. For instance lets say the job is on Apr 11th, I'd like to receive a push notification via the app and an email notification about this reminder...
I find it kind of cumbersome to create a task for a task, and it makes the calendar look like a mess..
Becky Ramirez commented
if we could get automation to set up a task/reminder to let us know when we are getting closer to starting a job.
Anonymous commented
It would be extremely convenient if they had notification alerts pop up on the phone such as text messages do to remind us of the next task that is up! ITS A MUST HAVE!!!!!!!! That way you never forget and get alerts when you have to move onto your new task , it'll pop up as a text message kind of thing!
Anonymous commented
Definitely a must have for our business! Not having this creates additional work by adding reminders into other calendars instead of having everything in one place (goal of a CRM system). Hopefully this will be added soon!!
Helen Kushel commented
It would be extremely convenient to have REMINDERS (web popup window, email/text alert, email notification, etc) for Tasks based on approaching Due Dates and other criteria.
Thank you -
cory commented
the ability to set an alert for upcoming tasks or jobs starting that day on the calendar.
Jennifer Crutcher commented
is it possible to have the calendar appts set reminder alarms or be able to edit the calendar entry in ical so an alarm reminder can be set?