Inter-Related Reports / Deep Reporting
For example, I wish I could create an invoice report and filter it by the contacts "job status".
• Email Address on Job reports
• Contact number on Job report
• Job number(s) on Contact report
• Contact/Job Type Filter on Estimate & Invoice reports
• Job Status on Task Report

Insights has enabled this functionality and much more!
Nickie Bruner commented
We would like to run a report on job crews or sub crews to see how much they are bringing in by a custom field that we have (footage) or by contract amount or invoice amount. would love the dashboard to be custom also not just sales items for the user to be able to pick what they want to see on the dashboard not JN to only choose what reports are on there and all reports be available.
Justin Kates commented
If we cannot deliver this i would like more powerful api. The filters and documentation are extremely limited, accessing work orders, budgets, estimates, and invoices are challenging.
The reports inside of the app are pretty limited and not very useful depending on how you use the application. For instance, you cannot bill customers with QBO sync with jobs enabled to get the invoice info inside of JN. You have to bill them in the subjob on QBO. This isnt very well documented and it ruins reporting.
Sean Guilfoy commented
Silos make reporting difficult. I hate having to merge excel docs to get info.
John Esh commented
REALLY wish JN reports weren't so siloed or separate. I need reports where I can see $ amount of estimates in a certain status sent last week/specific time range. This is not possible currently because Estimate reports only report on current status, not on past status at a specific time.
Currently I have to run an activity report for this, and then cross check that with an estimate report. Also $ invoiced per job/contact would be very helpful to see marketing ROI. -
George Young commented
What this comes down to is having programmers who are able to create queries that join multiple tables. I wonder if JN devs have this ability.
Anonymous commented
Nimbus crew: The TASKS report must be generated by Sales Rep. At present it does not. Please add Rep as options.
Anonymous commented
Can't create an Activity Report by Rep because Sales Rep is not something we can filter by.
Anonymous commented
There is no way to create a report of Tasks of Type Estimate because we can't select a Sales Rep.
Anonymous commented
The available columns/choices in Tasks is very limited. At the very least the Sales Rep and the Job should be available as additional column and Filter choices. At present, a Task report only shows at the Contact level.
Sherri Simms commented
I created a task report to see all tasks and their jobs but was disappointed when I could not add a column for the Job Status. I'd like to be able to quickly see the status of a job along with the task it is assigned.
Anonymous commented
I want to run a finance report and be able to filter by job status as well as job type. Also using specific fields from the "contact" in a "job" report (instead of the "contact information" option which translates to a jumbled mess when you export to excel).
The reporting limitations are a major drawback for Job Nimbus. It's the reason we held off using it for over a year. We finally caved because the price was reasonable and decided to give it a shot. We may not continue with it much further if this issue is not addressed.
Steve commented
It has the Sales Rep and Created By fields but it's missing a very important field 'Assigned To'.
a381dgarcia Daniel Garcia commented
Much needed, I've had to completely restructure the way our reporting works for our finance/PM/Sales departments to get our reports to output what we need. In turn sacrificed some of the ease of use and functionality of JN.
Stan Hays commented
It would be nice to have a choice to run a report across multiple areas. Example: I need to know how much of a particular item was sold invoiced in a particular time frame. This would help with ordering materials. It would also help with noticing trends in items ordered. Right now I have to run multiple reports and combine the information to get the report I need.
Justin Kahmann commented
I believe this request cover's what I would like to do, which is the ability to filter an Invoice report by a customer or job status, which currently is not a sort option on the Invoice Report. Currently I have no way of knowing what the value of the work I have in production is, or the value of the work in any other status. We create an invoice the moment a job is sold, so that it starts showing up on financial reports, however I have no way to sort out the jobs on that report from Jobs 100% complete, and ones that are still in production.
David Bain commented
I often have several invoices with in a job and would like to make a report on the total amount of invoices rather than just the most recent (in a job report). Same thing for the estimates.
I also have different types of jobs set up and would like to compare the invoice amounts for the different types of jobs (invoice report). Adding a type of job filter would be the easiest way to do this (this filter is available in the job report but not the invoice report). -
Marianne commented
Just remembered, the job report, which has the ability to split by JOB TYPES does not have options for total, total paid and balance. One report that would be able to do all of that would be great. If anyone knows of one I'd love to try it.
Marianne commented
I would like to create budgets, invoice and sales reports and split by JOB TYPES. This currently is not a feature/option as it is in the JOB REPORT. It would be most helpful.
It would be very helpful if these reports were able to be printed. I know the budget report was supposed to be back in June; however, it still is not.
Lisa Carlquist commented
We often need job reports that include just the e-mail of a customer (not the full contact info). If we are going to track our customers' jobs, this is a must!
Mary Smith commented
We need to be able to add all feilds to the reports drop downs