Document Scanner
Being able to scan the document directly into JobNimbus would save time. Otherwise, have to scan document into computer, save document , then upload it to a file in JobNimbus

Matthew Arvin commented
Looks like this has been added. Is there a way to select the document type before saving? Edit/delete is not a privilege my all accounts have in my JN.
Matthew Arvin commented
This process is easy to do with Cam Scanner but after demo'ing Acculynx and seeing they have an internal scanner that lets you turn into PDF and select the attachment folder, Cam Scanner doesn't seem so easy anymore :-(
Glenn Christensen commented
If you have a Company Cam account you can integrate it with Job Nimbus and have the ability to create a pdf with your phones camera. Because the contact or job syncs from Job Nimbus to Company Cam, the pdf will automatically be added to Job Nimbus once uploaded to Company Cam. It's going to cost you money for a Company Cam account but, if you really need this feature, it is the only way to make it happen until it is built into JN.
Aegis Admin Anderson commented
This would be a huge time-saver for our business! We use Fujitsu ScanSnap.
Mary Roofing commented
Yes! This has been number 1 on our wishlist for three years.
Anonymous commented
JobNimbus would really be great if you can build in a 'Camscanner ' type setting which turns photos into PDF. Most photos taken by iPads and Smart Phone are HUGE file sizes that can be a problem printing out or emailing.
Photos of documents would be higher quality if turned into PDF.Also, viewing photos as a batch instead of single items ( as they were taken as a batch) would be more efficient than having to close out a picture to view next. ( Being able to swipe right or left to move to next photo)
Anonymous commented
Is there are way you can scan straight into job nimbus job folders