Subcontractor Access
Our field requires pre-job, in-progress, and completion photos. Since we deal daily with subcontractors, it would be great if they can send photos to the job in JN directly, without a user having to transfer the photos that subs send by text or email and download and upload and erase from our download folders. Time consuming and not efficient.
Maxx Byerly commented
Would like to be able to add pictures to a work order, so our subcontractors can see the job before the install without having them have an account or sending a separate email from the work order for pictures specifically.
Brian Joyce commented
Having the ability to choose to allow a rep/team member not assigned to the job/contact to access certain photos, documents, ect when being assigned to work order. When assigning the work order having the ability to check what they can access similar to when sharing a contact/job with a subcontractor.
Adam Pfeifer commented
Subcontractors should have access to review Work Orders, upload photos, review photos, and fill out forms. Once a subcontractor has been awarded a job, their dollar amount should be like a salesman and we should be able to see how much we have awarded and paid them to date and able to be filtered down by week, month, year, all time.
Penina commented
Yes! This would help us so much!
Leighton Ross commented
It would be SO beneficial if I could include templated fields to tasks such as Work Order numbers, Job Numbers, the Job Description, etc. to a task instead of having to manually input this information.
This is a feature that would be most valuable in conjunction with being able to include Subs in Calendar Invites, so long as I could tailor their access to information. Right now, if a task is related to a Job or Contact, then the calendar invite is going to include the customer’s contact information. This is great for the use of internal employees. However, if I wanted to share this calendar invite with my Sub, then I would have to duplicate the invite, erase the contact information I don’t want the Sub to see, and then add them to the calendar invite.
Leighton Ross commented
Our company does not share detailed client information with our subcontractors. I don’t see any reason that a subcontractor would need a paid seat (at least not at the same level as company employees) because the functions necessary would be so limited, but that seems to be only only way to tailor access to information or send them calendar invites.
It would be cool if there was a role specifically for Subcontractors in Team settings. Theoretically, the subcontractor would only need access to THEIR profile, and THEIR calendar with only the information that we want them to see.
In our case, we would want them to see their Jobs, Work Orders, and assigned tasks with limited visibility of any specific client information. For example, we would like to limit Job information access to address and a few custom fields, but they shouldn’t have access to names/contact info/financial documents, etc, or the ability to take any actions within the system besides maybe adding photos and notes. And the ability to send calendar invites (as mentioned in another suggestion) is crucial
Also, if this were implemented Subcontractor tasks should not populate with all related Contact/Job information in the Calendar the way that internal team members tasks do.
John DeLaGarza commented
When creating a Work Order, add the option to "Send Google Calendar invite to assigned subcontractor".
Gi Nam commented
I wish JN had a crew app like Acculynx where the crew gets notified on mobile for new jobs with the info they need.
Dan Blanc commented
We have the same problem, so we're using a work around, Company Cam, but it charges per user and is getting quit expensive