Services & Products Templates - Grouped Products
The ability to create templates for different roof trade systems. For example, we offer a variety of roof systems. These systems are complete with ALL manufacture products. The ability to select a template by the system being installed would allow sales reps to write estimates faster and cleaner. The template selected would contain all components and pricing of those components for that particular roof system that only needs quantity updates at the time of use resulting in closing a deal faster.

udo seidel commented
Add a pull down menu option in estimates and forms templates that can be custom programmed with costume text For color selections / products (OC, IKO, GAF ect...)
Neil Kolstad commented
I would like the ability to group products together in kits to streamline estimates and invoicing.
Currently, there is not a way to make a product group in JobNimbus the way you can in QuickBooks. Because of this, any product group that has been created in QuickBooks will not sync to JobNimbus because it is not a supported feature. Each product and service needs to sync individually to get it to import from QuickBooks to JobNimbus.