Calendar & Tasks
46 results found
Sort tasks geographically. - ability to do nearby tasks and save gas
Our guys like to do the task in the North part of our region one day and the tasks in the South part a different day. Some stuff is not time sensitive like : we forgot to get a photo of the finished project - Do it next time you are in the area.
6 votes -
12 votes
Reply to Notes/Tasks Without Creating New Notes/Tasks
When a coworker tags me in a note or assigns me a task, there is no way to reply to them and have them notified, without creating a NEW note or task. It would be much better if we could just respond to the ones that are there, so that it is easier to track what has been handled/completed and what hasn't. That way, we don't have to look through 100 "Activity" feeds to try and figure it out.
2 votes -
Spreadsheet-like tool
Currently, if I want to know where I'm at with tasks I have to open each individual job card, which gets to be pretty cumbersome when you have a lot of jobs going on at once. It would be amazing to have a spreadsheet-like tool where all of your job tasks could be viewed in a snapshot. I'm using an excel spreadsheet right now because it's just so much easier to keep track of dumpsters, material orders/pickups, permits, etc.
6 votes -
reinstate tasks / task function into contacts view
Full task function - creating, viewing, managing - used to be visible / accessible in the primary Contact view but has been removed. Do not understand why, but I need to regularly create and manage tasks without a job. Need to be able to see these and do this without additional navigation. (It used to be just that simple.) Please reinstate.
1 vote -
Task Drop down and calendar
Because you have to create specific task types, there starts to become a lot of task types. I think it would be a good idea to be able to choose tasks to hide from the drop down menus but also be able to see all task types in the calendar.
3 votes -
There is an option to add a subcontractor to a task but I can't add a supplier to a task if I'm scheduling a delivery. Please add 'supplier' as an option. Right now I've had to make all my suppliers subcontractors to see them in my calendar.
2 votes -
Simple text only *(edited @time by @user) history log would be helpful.
Edit History
Stage 1 (super easy)
Simple text only *(edited @time by @user) history log would be helpful.Stage 2
Could make Edit history (only shows if true) expandable to show the history of changes.Could roll out Edit history across other features as well if relevant - this helps companies maintain transparency which would be appreciated.
2 votes -
Organize Tasks
I would like to be able to rearrange the order of the task list that shows up under a contact/job.
3 votes -
Ability to Add Documents to Tasks for Calendar
I saw where this was turned down due to a lack of community interest in the past. To whomever makes those decision, I politely ask that you consider that most people in construction companies do not spend most of their time submitting feedback to this forum. There are most likely a limited number of users who participate here, and those participating users hear and issue complaints/suggestions for the companies as a whole.
It would be great if we could add Job Documents to tasks in such a way that they could sync to Google Calendar. We do not have…
7 votes -
Automate a Job to change status when all tasks are completed
It would be extremely helpful for a Job to change Status when all tasks are completed. We have many tasks that may not be completed in the same order every time, so it would be extremely helpful for a Job to automatically change Status when every task is completed.
4 votes -
Set tasks to be done by Job position instead of assigned to or a specific person.
As it currently stands a task can only be automated to assign to 'assigned to' or a specific person. It would be extremely helpful(and your competitors do this) if you could automate tasks to 'Salesperson' or 'Estimator' or 'Office Admin' and that way we don't have to constantly change the assigned to field during the workflow to get tasks assigned properly. A specific person is not good because depending on how the job came in or location that specific person may or may not be the right person to have the task assigned to.
2 votes -
Duplicate Tasks
It would be great if we could duplicate a task. Sometimes we start a task on one day, but need to finish it another day. Instead of moving that task, so our calendar isn't up to date, or having to recreate the task all over again, it would be awesome to have an option to duplicate the task.
17 votes -
Change default length of time on tasks
change the default length of time on some of our task types (like Appointment, for example) from 30 min to 1 hour
8 votes -
Allow Limited User Access to see tasks that aren't assigned to them
Currently "Limited User Access" profiles can't see Tasks related to the contact unless assigned even if they are designated as Sales Reps on the contact. It would be useful for the Sales Reps (who have Limited User Access Profiles) to see all tasks associated to the contact.
2 votes -
Ability to cancel tasks
Ability to select 'Cancel' on tasks instead of the other current options: delete, postpone or complete.
3 votes -
Task should be visible in Activity
I wish tasks would show up in the activity so when asking a rep what is going on, I don't have to look multiple places.
3 votes -
Tasks would feel more like tasks rather than calendar inputs. Syncing task to google calendar tasks
The jobnimbus calendar could be clearer. Google Calendar is the preferred method because of its more user-friendly formatting. Tasks created in jobnimbus should be presented as tasks within the google calendar, not appointments on the calendar unless a specific time has been assigned for the task.
3 votes -
Need more task icons to choose from when customizing tasks
I wanted to add a phone icon to the Phone Call task and discovered there isn't one. It seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to add more choices of icons.
2 votes -
Change task times
Add ability to create custom time intervals on the desktop calendar. The app allows for a 15 minute task but the desktop requires at least 30 minutes.
2 votes
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