Make Crew Pay and Job Costing Easier?
Almost all of the financial features (invoice, credit memos, etc.) have ability to save templates with pricing. However, work orders do not include a price component. We want to be able to save a template for each of crews at their different rates. This would allow us to create a work order, load a template for that specific crew at their specific rates when we send the work order. This would cut down on confusion over crew pay and would result in faster crew pay.
Example: Go to "Work Orders" > fill in all the normal labor lines for a project (walkable squares, steep squares, decking, etc.) > enter Crew-Smith specific rates > Save work order template as "Crew-Smith Payroll" > work order sent > job gets completed > Payroll Day comes around, open up Work Order and compare with crew's invoice/pay request, adjust for any change orders
Also, can Work Orders be tied to budget or Financials section? Breaking down specific labor on a job is common, so it seems having work order tie into job costing would be more streamlined than having to reenter it into "Budget"

Jason Dedrick commented
Please make this happen! We pay many crews every week and crews get paid different rates and on different items then others. The ability to set up a template for each crew with different pay rates would be extremely helpfull.