Toggle on/off whether item name is shown on the estimate details page on NEW SALES EXPERIENCE.
Can you make it where we can toggle on or off to show the item name in the new sales experience? Right now it populates both the item name and the item description and it is not readable for a customer. We have all of our products and services built like the following:
Item name = {item number} {truncated item description}
Item description = {long item description}
Item name= 2003 Hardieplank 8 1/4" CM Lap
Item Description = Hardieplank Lap Siding Select Cedarmill (Primed) - 8 1/4"
In the New Sales Experience, in the estimate details page, the line items populate to the customer with the item name and the item description side by side and is terribly unreadable when combined with other line items.
Example: 2003 Hardieplank 8 1/4" CM Lap - Hardieplank Lap Siding Select Cedarmill (Primed) - 8 1/4"
If you can make this something we can toggle on or off which one we want to populate in the quote details page then that will solve this is issue. Otherwise, I will need to completely rebuild our products and services library in JN.
Ryan O'Connor commented
Please add this above feature.