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Documents, Photos, Forms & Attachments

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216 results found

  1. Print and sign and reupload.

    Please have an option to print estimates with a sign and date option .

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  2. Attach Specific Document Types in email template

    Because you are able to define each document type which is uploaded, I WOULD THINK that you can make an email template that attaches all documents labeled as user defined "Document Type" to an EMAIL TEMPLATE. IF you can add this feature it would make the process 100x easier.

    ie If job status is set to follow up - send email template "follow up" Attach all documents with type as "follow-up documents"

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  3. Auto updating pricing on templates

    Automatically update prices in templates after updating prices in "Products and Services" under settings. We use templates a lot for quotes, ordering and estimates. It would be nice that after we update the price in "Product and Services" we can Click a button in the "edit template area" to update all the items that are linked to the "Products and Services" page. We have about 30 template estimates and updating multiple every time a price change happens in almost a full time job for several days. A button on each one that says "update pricing" to match the products and…

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  4. Notifications for When Document is Digitally Signed.

    An option for others besides the signees to be notified when a document is fully signed. There is a similar feature for estimates via an automation, which currently cant be created for documents.

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  5. 6 votes

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  6. Form Fields to Fill Custom Fields

    Ability for answers to Forms questions be mapped to custom fields.

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  7. Attach a "Company Document" onto a document template

    ok guys, are you ready for the next big thing? Another billion dollar idea? So the document feature is almost perfect, but we need to have access to attaching a "Company Document" to a "document" we create from a template. I created some cool PDF's from illustrator to bolster up the template look, you know, eye candy for the clients, but in order to hook the pdf to the newly created document, the pdf must first be downloaded from the "company documents" to my computer, then uploaded to the individual contact, then create document, then connect. I propose having the…

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  8. Using E-signature on PDFs

    The option to e-sign a PDF document uploaded. Currently this can only be done with documents made within JobNimbus.

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  9. Send Forms as Links/Attachments.

    The ability to send forms as a link/attachments.

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  10. Form Data to flow to a template to create estimate

    It would be useful to have the information or data from a Form be an input flow to a template which can create an estimate.

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  11. Document Status changes with signature status

    There used to be a "Signed" status for documents, but now that's gone and the signature status column seems to have replaced it. The problem is that the signature status can be fully signed, while the document status remains as a draft. I think the document status should relate to the signature status, or the document status should be removed altogether.

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  12. Upload PDF in Photos Tab

    Ability to save PDF documents (photos) in the photos tab of a contact or job. Currently when you try to upload a PDF in the photos tab it automatically goes into the documents section.

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. 2 votes

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  15. Signature Document Workflow

    When creating templates, there should be an option to create a document workflow for signatures. For example, we require that proposals be reviewed by one of the owners before going out for customer signature. We currently cannot do that in JN, so we have to use a third party e-signature service which allows us to create these workflows. A way to do this would be for us to be able to create an estimate template with all the contract terms and conditions, and to have a feature where we select that any estimates sent for signature under that template, must…

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  16. Attach Links to Documents

    Give us the option of "uploading" or attaching a link as a document. This would make it possible to easily link a Google Doc or similar to a Contact/Job.

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  17. Customizable Signature Line

    I have a commercial property owner who would like to electronically sign their contracts, but would like to add the title "managing member" under his name, but not have that part of the signature. it would be great if we could edit the signature area and add titles under the signature line.

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  18. Photo Report

    I would like to create a report showing any new photo’s that were uploaded over a certain time period –

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  19. Signature Type for Forms

    It would be helpful if one of the type of elements in forms was a signature capture field. We currently use a paper job completion form where the customer and sales rep sign after doing the final walk-around at the end of the job. Rep verifies he inspected job and brief customer on warranty and other items, and customer signs buyoff. This feature would allow reps to upload signed forms into the job.

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  20. E-Signature for work orders

    I would like to add an option to electronically sign a work order.

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