Custom Fields based on Workflow Type (Contact, Job, WO)
Custom fields should be linked to the contact type (the same should apply to job type, and WO Templates as well). This way we can have custom fields based on the contact type we are using. Instead of fields that aren't applicable to the contact type.

We love this idea.
It would be nice if they could have custom fields only visible if you select a specific workflow type. Like Insurance information only will show on a contact/job/work order to be filled in if you use the Insurance Workflow.
Lyra Bertels commented
I am mostly interested in this for Jobs but it would be nice for customers too.
For example - We have a warranty department and are ordering replacement parts for customers. We would like to track things like case #s, part information, etc. We want to be able to create a report for those jobs and export to Excell workbook, so it's important to have separate fields to create the Excell table.But not all of those fields are pertinent to our other jobs (solar installations). I don't like having to clutter the job fields and have fields in solar project management that are only used for the warranty department.
It would be great if when the Job Type is selected, there are certain fields that show up - see attached photo.
Eric Broome commented
Since Customers, Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Adjusters are all (for some reason) under the umbrella of "Contacts," we really need a way to keep our Custom Fields separated by Contact type.
For example, I don't have any need to input a field for a Customer, when I am entering a new Supplier or Adjuster.
Ty Adams commented
<p>Have the ability to drag and drop the customized entries on the Contact (or any other form) form</p>
Rob Nunziato commented
I support this immensely! please make this happen
Janet Jones commented
Looks like this has been in development since Aug 2014. Any updates on this?
Kenny Romanini Jr. commented
It would be ideal to change the MAIN phone to say HOME phone. Also, instead of ADDRESS 1 and ADDRESS 2, it would be better to say JOB ADDRESS and BILLING ADDRESS.
Anonymous commented
I appreciate the option of adding custom fields with drop-downs. However, once those fields are added -which sometimes are better suited for our company than the default fields, I would like for the unnecessary default fields to be hidden so as not to confuse anyone.
Kevin McInerney commented
I really like that the forms are pop ups on the pages so you dont get brought around to 20 places to do something, but i feel like there needs to be a tiny bit more with them to make it really pleasurable to look at and fill out. Having different questions that are based on which job type you select for it would be a major help alone. Some other features that tie along with this would be the ability to position them a little more and not just top bottom. Also being able to make certain fields start appearing in the stage that they are needed. Thank you.
Mark Craney commented
Please allow some customization to the job view and report. All you've done is essentially recreate the contact view which chews up a ton of space I don't want. I am trying every creative way I can to make JobNimbus work but the lack of customization available is mind boggling. Who cares if you have 100 custom fields if there is nowhere sensible to put them? Seriously, to make JobNimbus work, I've had to create this huge Excel Workbook in order that we can do time efficient material and work orders, invoices, etc.. Unfortunately, since you also didn't think about making a connection to Excel, there's no connection with that to JobNimbus. And there's no good way for the Sales Reps to input needed data. It would take us at least an additional 2 hours per job if we tried to use JobNimbus material and work orders. Invoices are a joke. Hello out there, not everybody wants to shift everything over to Quickbooks.
John Thompson commented
Would love to see this change happen, any updates since 2014?
Brandon Byrd commented
This is a must have for different workflows like: insurance job, cash job, repairs. Most companies require different data for a residential job vs commercial job. Also, I see that this has been planned for over 3 years now........ How about an update on the status.
Mike Lane commented
Would love to be able to edit the existing default fields / mainly phone numbers - name them his cell/her cell/his work, etc...
Sherri Simms commented
Besides what has already been mentioned, please consider the following when implementing this:
(1) Having a place to enter a field description in settings. This description would appear as a window box style hyperlink that popups if field is clicked.
(2) A fields "tab" on each contact/site similar to the activity/tasks/etc tabs you see on each job/contact.
(3) If implementing the fields tab mentioned previously: The fields would have an option in settings where the user could choose which ones of the custom fields they want displayed on the main contact/job display (above the tabs).
(4) Besides fields associated with workflows, I would like to see conditional field options. The conditions to choose from would at the least need to include workflow, sales rep/groups, assigned to, and most importantly the option to be based off of the custom fields. For example, if a customer is tax-exempt, we could have a tax-exempt field that has the condition that when the answer is yes, then two more sub-fields would be displayed: certificate # and expiration.
(5) Fields are how we do majority of our reporting. I would love the option (of more than 10 types of each field) to be able to account for all our departmental needs.
Thanks in advance for considering! -
Natalie Perkins commented
We use this feature to track services. It would be helpful if we could change what input fields show up in the job depending on the job type.
Brandon Byrd commented
Show/Hide Fields based on answer of other fields.
Lets say I choose a Cash Job from the Job Type. I would like to hide all insurance fields that I have created based on that type.
jim mckenney commented
The description of the field, or "rename" the field.
jim mckenney commented
In addition to the ability to add custom fields, I want the ability to edit the existing fields.
Office Group commented
I love this idea also. Very much agree that this would be super helpful.
Ashley Cleveland commented
Some of our jobs are retail and some are insurance. I would love to see insurance information as mandatory custom fields -- only if the "Retail" boolean was not selected. If it was (and the job was retail), the required insurance fields would disappear or become invalid.