Custom Fields based on Workflow Type (Contact, Job, WO)
Custom fields should be linked to the contact type (the same should apply to job type, and WO Templates as well). This way we can have custom fields based on the contact type we are using. Instead of fields that aren't applicable to the contact type.

We love this idea.
Charles DeBuck commented
And tasks as well...please.
Kimberly Negri commented
Or to CHANGE some of the titles of the default contact fields.
Anonymous commented
Have the ability to hide some of the default contact fields.
Micah Valentine commented
When we originally input the customer contact information we would like to be able to customize those fields because we want different information than the default information.
What is the reasoning in being able to customize the columns of information displayed on each contact? ANSWER: Because that's the information we feel is applicable to our customer.
Why not be able to input the information we want straight away?
At this moment we have to input the default information then go to customer's contact and update what we just inputed.
Can we make this a one step process please?
Allen Love commented
Allow users to move the fields around (order of them) when adding, editing, and viewing Jobs and Contacts, and hide built-in fields that are not applicable to a specific workflow.
This should be customizable per Workflow so that different Contact/Job types have different field requirements according to their needs.