an undo option for the automatic switch the software did to all my past job data have the job location match the primary contact
Our job locations are not the same as our primary contact yet. For over a year, we have been creating a second related contact to the job to be able to keep track of where the job is located and putting that location in for the job location; then in order to use the template features in JN such as estimates and invoices, we had to have a different primary contact entered because our primary contact is the billable client, whereas our job location is the site the work is performed. These are rarely ever the same.
I am so disappointed today when I realized that at some point JN did an update that automatically switched all of our job location information to match which contact is selected as the primary contact. Now practically none of our jobs have the correct Job location listed on them.
Thank goodness we had created the "Site" contact and related to every job for I cannot imagine the problems companies who use JN are having who only entered the job location in that field.
I wish there was a way to undo this automatic shift JN did or EVEN BETTER WOULD BE a way to have separate address lines for jobs to include a dropdown contact choice of a contact in which to bill and another dropdown contact choice for the location of the job.

Let us know if this becomes an issue again! We can see what we can do.
Sherri Simms commented