Bulk/Batch Edit
Have bulk (batch, mass) update and edit capabilities for contacts, jobs, etc.
- Assign, un-assign, reassign team members
- Change status of several items at once
- Mark multiple tasks as complete
- Tags

Jeremiah Berndt commented
Has anything been done on this? Not only can I not access the same reports showed in these images, but even if I can edit reports I want to be able to bulk edit my contacts in general, not just in reports
Daniela Titus commented
Yes! Glad that what is already in this initial idea is available, however, in my company, we need to bulk edit jobs/contacts to a location. We used to have a lot of jobs that were not edited correctly and now that we are organizing everything between the two locations we have, we need to divide them by city to match a location.
Jay Gamero commented
needed so much especially for tasks
Mike Swenson commented
Need this very badly
Eddie Bailey commented
Definitely need a way to mark multiple tasks complete across all users. Can only bulk delete?
Cait Johns commented
Bulk status change would be very helpful
Kristyn Jager commented
Bulk task completion would be very helpful.
Debbie Lui commented
Bulk task completion. Clinking one and having to wait for it to update is a drag & waste of time. Let me click more than one task at a time!
PETER JUDGE commented
It would be nice if we could select multiple tasks from a list to be 'completed' in one go.
Anonymous commented
Bulk edit for all fields, custom included!!! This would be sooooo helpful! We have a custom field for the customer service rep assigned to the customer, and when there's employee turnover and all those customers are reassigned to a new customer service rep, it's SO painful to have to go in and manually edit every single entry. Pleeeease, JobNimbus, if you do nothing else, please let us bulk edit!
Jay McDaniel commented
Imported a lead list and it assigned all of the contacts to me. I now have to manually remove/edit that setting on 850+ contacts.
Aditya Dharod commented
We are adding a new PM to our company and it would be awesome if I could add the PM to all the jobs assigned to someone else in the company rather than adding her to every single job individually.
Aditya Dharod commented
Ability to assign multiple jobs or all the jobs under a particular contact to a new person.
This would be really helpful when we are adding new members on Job Nimbus and want to assign them like 100 jobs under a particular contact.
floridalicensedcgc.com commented
Just hired a new person and finding that we have to MANUALLY add them as Assigned To on every contact, every job. JN seriously... how can you not have bulk edit to add or edit persons to Tasks, Contacts, Jobs...
Jim commented
After importing new contacts, it would be nice to be able to apply TAGS to the entire import in BULK EDITING. I added a TAGS column to my spreadsheet prior to importing and TAGS appeared in the description field under the import options, however, it doesn't import into TAGS in the EDIT CONTACT screen.
Michael Robb commented
This is urgently needed!
Ken Koop commented
I have 455 incomplete tasks. I would like to be able to select all for completion and then unselect the few that are not complete.
Mark Ahrens commented
When one sales reps leaves and needs to be transfered to other, you absolutely need to have a feature to bulk transfer the contacts
Steve Sentner commented
When we create a new task in our Google calendar, we can't assign a task type, it would be great if when viewing your task list, click the check boxes don't automatically mark it as complete, but rather selects the tasks and allows you to perform one of the following mass edit actions:
mark as complete
update task type
re-assign/unassign -
Kale Bernhard commented
I need a way to select multiple items in a report, i.e. I have a report that generates a list of jobs with the status of "Estimate given/ waiting for approval". When those estimates get to be 90 days old they are no longer valid, so I go into said report and filter it to start with the oldest dated job. If the dates of creation is past the 90 day mark then the job status is changed to "Canceled/Not Completed". There are times when I have multiple reports that need a status change and I'd like to be able to execute more than one at a time. Thank you for the consideration