Create "trades", under jobs, that are able to be tracked in a Gantt chart.
Things right now are split between contacts and jobs. If you added a "trades" section that ties into the parent job, that ties into the parent contact, that would be ideal. A person calls, we add them as a client. We create a job to provide an estimate for what the client is looking for, and for the sales team to see where that lead goes. At some point the estimate is approved and "trades" are created. If the estimate was for roofing, siding, windows, and gutters then four trades are created for the production team to follow. The production team would also have the ability to create a gantt chart. A single job could have multiple trades to track and follow. Accounting can be done for each trade so that we can apply invoices received for that trade. Once all trades are completed, they are all set back into the job with the ability to see the overall job costs plus costs per trade. During the job each trade would have its own number so that you could purchase material for that trade specifically. Those trade numbers would be connected to the job number (or PO number). This way sales can follow leads and jobs, production can follow jobs and trades, and accounting can see overall job costs and trade costs.
Ilya Kazlouski commented
This would help sooooo much