703 results found
Financing Show All Options on Estimate
Currently, with the Sunlight Financial Integration on the New Sales Experience, can only provide one financing option at a time. It would be better if we could just have it show all the options, and the customer could then choose. This would reduce the time for us and allow the customer to make that decision themselves.
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Financing For All Estimates
Currently, with the New Sales Experience, financing needs to be enabled per estimate. It would be best if we could enable it for all estimates to give the option to our customers and reduce excess work on our end.
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2 votes
Homeowner Estimate Question Without Sending Attachment Back
Currently with the New Sales Experience, when a customer replies to the signature request with a question it emails us the attachment again, which attaches it to the job record. This creates duplicate documents. It would be better if there were a button so the recipient could raise a question with the estimate and not attach it to the email again. Or if the system could recognize the document is the same and not attach it to the email.
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Allow Secondary Signature From JN Record
When we add a team member as a secondary signer to an estimate, we can only execute that second signature via the emailed link. However, the job activity feed only has a link to the PDF. It would be more efficient for us if we could choose to sign any estimate pending our signature from the job or estimate record itself. We can do review and share > sign now if we are the first signer but this does not allow the homeowner to choose options.
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Improved Hiding Products & Services
With the New Sales Experience, we have the ability to manage calculations for individual products. However, hiding a product or service does not remove it from that list. Having "hidden" item showing here is confusing and it would be improved by hiding them here as well.
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video uploads
allow video uploads to job files
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Estimate inspection page not displaying as intended
Inspection page is not picking up the first section title, instead is only showing page title, then skipping to the next section title. Would prefer if the text for Inspection is larger than the text for the other section titles as well
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Direct Wisetack Integration
We would love to be able to have Wisetack integrate within the estimates themselves to make the process easier.
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Automations to Recognize Notes in Activity
There is an automation recipe in the Help Center for recognizing when a document is signed. However, when we try to adapt this recipe to detect the activity message for a document being sent, it does not work. Being able to trigger automations by when a "Activity" is "Modified" with the condition If "Note" "contains (any)" "sent Document" and have it read the email messages that appear in the activity feed as well, would be very useful.
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Bulk Edit Items Within Report but not Entire Report
Currently, bulk edits impact an entire report so they require creating additional reports every time. It would be fantastic if we could get the ability to mark specific items of a report and then bulk edit just those items. This would be useful when looking at large data sets, or specific reports that required complex filters to view as it would reduce the need for more, even more complex reports.
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Product details on the authorization page
Display product name on the auth page when adding upgrades
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Multiple types for one job
For times when one job encompasses multiple types of work (Gutters, roofing, siding) and being able to track all that would help our reporting a lot
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Ach discount option
Want to be able to give a discount automatically when someone uses ach payment
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Option for Englis or Spanish workorders
would love to have the option to send a workorder in English or Spanish for my Spanish speaking employees
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Adding a copy button feature to jobs
Would love to have a copy to clipboard feature added to jobs as that would be very useful
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folders for photos
Would like to create folders for photos within jobs/contacts
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Add Product to Converted Invoices (Legacy Estimate -> New Invoice)
When converting a Legacy Estimate into a New Invoice, you cannot add a new line item until you add a new section. However, if using NSE and New Invoices or Legacy on both, it allows you to add a line item without adding a new section. Would be great if the Legacy -> New conversion allowed for the same.
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Tag Filters on Job Boards
We would like to have a tag filter added to the options on our job boards.
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Option to update the type on existing products and services
Currently, P&S that were created prior to the new material and labor tracking UI, are not editable making it necessary to recreate the items. This is very time-consuming and not user friendly as this is a requirement
1 vote
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