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JobNimbus Feedback

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95 results found

  1. Freshbooks Integration

    We strongly believe that integrating FreshBooks as an alternative to QuickBooks would significantly enhance the experience for JobNimbus users, particularly those in service-based industries like our own.

    While QuickBooks offers a robust suite of features, its complexity and cost can be excessive for many of us who primarily require streamlined expense tracking and basic financial reporting. FreshBooks, on the other hand, is specifically designed for service professionals, offering an intuitive interface and a pricing structure that aligns better with the needs of smaller businesses.

    By integrating FreshBooks, JobNimbus would empower users with the flexibility to choose a financial management solution…

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  2. Sales Tax integration

    I live in a state with State and county sales tax. Cities can have multiple counties and a county can be in mulitple cities (usually unincorporated counties). I cannot identify the tax code to use simply by looking at the address. I have to go to a government website, type in the address/zip code to get the tax code and corresponding rate. When we worked out of excel I created a macro so getting the tax code/rate applied to an invoice was just clicking a button. Could a button like that be added?

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  3. MyRoofReport

    Roof Measurement company that we started using in place of eagleview. Could this integration be added

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  4. a filter in boards that lets you separate contacts by area to make scheduling more efficient

    I think it would make very swift work to be able to set a filter when im in boards to be able to work specifically in a certain area, without having to try to remember who is in the area and what needs to be done. example would be setting a filter to only homeowners in orem. That way we could be the most efficient with our time while we are in an area, by seeing everything we can do only in that specific zone.

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  5. I would like to be able to collaborate and share jobs with another contractor that also uses jobnimbus

    I would like to be able to collaborate and share jobs with another contractor that also uses jobnimbus

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  6. Notifications when texts don't go through to clients

    When we send a text and it doesn't get delivered we don't know about until we try and text the HO again. If we got notified we can fix it sooner rather than later.

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  7. Zoho Books Direct Integration

    We just switched from Quickbooks online. It is such an awful platform. I know everyone is using it because they probably got hooked into the service years ago when it was actually the best when it was desktop version. If they knew about Zoho and how nicely it works they would probably switch in a second. Nimbus should partner with zoho to make a clean direct integration.

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  8. Auto merging duplicate files

    When files duplicate 2-3 times it becomes confusing and things get missed. It would be extremely helpful if nimbus can auto merge duplicate file.

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  9. xactremodel

    I would love to see an integration with Xactremodel and xactimate.

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  10. ReMarkable Tablet

    I use reMarkable ( everyday, with every customer or vendor to take notes, sketch out options, and to take measurements for windows and doors. It is a wonderful tool that I have been using for years. I do drop files using Google Drive, manually into job documents.... but I would LOVE to see an integration between reMarkable and JB. Please do not hesitate to reach out and I can show you examples on how I use it.

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  11. Job Automation With Ability to Change Type, Not Just Status

    Warranty jobs go in the warranty workflow, but sometimes they end up not being warranty. This means the type/workflow needs to change. Our sales reps only really change statuses, not the workflow/type, because it requires extra time to open the edit box. We need to create an automation that changes the type/workflow based on a status in the warranty workflow that triggers this change.

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  12. Bring Back Auto-Download to Job

    Please bring back auto downloads for Eagleview reports. We have an increase in human error b/c now we have to manually upload the reports to the corresponding job.

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  13. Missing Payment amount and type fields available on api and/or email templates

    I'd like to automate based on the amount and type for example:

    Cash/Check Payment -> Manager needs a task to make sure it gets to the bank
    JobNimbus Payment -> Send to spreadsheet to consolidate for accounting dept.

    Can we get the following field available in either an email template, Zapier, or in the API?:

    Amount (Amount of the purchase)
    Method/Payment Type(Card, Bank, Cash, ect.)
    Merchant (JobNimbusPayments, WePay, Global Payments)

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  14. A total count at the top of the days on the calendar

    This would allow us to know how many jobs or appointments are scheduled for the day without counting them everytime. Very important when you want to cap people at a certain amount per day.

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  15. Map Plotting with Filters

    The ability to plot a map with a certain days scheduled appointments per assigned salesman. This way they can easily see all of their appointments on a map and plot accordingly.

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  16. Google Map integration to verify and auto-fill addresses while entering them on new jobs

    Google Map integration to verify and auto-fill addresses while entering them on new jobs. Every CRM I have used has this feature which helps prevent incorrect address entry and wasting inspectors time. Also saves a lot of typing.

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  17. invoice number

    Allow QBO Sync to use a different Invoice No. Series

    QBO and JN use the same invoice numbers. I would like to have 2 different sets of invoice numbers. We send invoices for new jobs out of jobnimbus, but we book ad-hoc invoices from QBO. We need this to work.

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  18. Ability to Edit JobNimbus Payments Reference Number

    "We have been told we cannot edit the JobNimbus payments reference section to our needs. We would like to be able to edit the reference # by adding EE representing Electronic Check without causing a sync error or even better have the payment method selection as ECheck not Check. This would greatly help with our QB record keeping. The payment method is an Electronic Check and we would like to show it as such in our records."

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  19. Add Jotform

    I would love to use Job Nimbus to get our contract signed but y'all only use an E signature that when it's signed it signs every box and we need multiple signature boxes on our contract that must each be signed individually in the customer's actual signature. Our Contract is extensive and needs to be signed accordingly. as of now we use Jotform for this feature and would really like you Job Nimbus to add Jotform that way my signed Documents can transfer to Job Nimbus.


    Just fix the problem with the signatures

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