Match Invoice #'s, Work Order #'s, to Job/Contact number
It would be nice if invoices, work orders, and estimates could be given the same custom # we give our jobs.
For example, an invoice created under job 225STL15 would be Invoice # 225STL15

Currently you can custom create your job numbers on the fly and you can set the next sequential number for your estimates, invoices, work orders, etc, though if you create a second one on the same job, or create a new job before creating a work order then the sequence can be lost.
We will definitely consider this going forward.
Matt Badura commented
Of the items posted the confusion we are running into the most is with the material orders.
With invoice numbers I was told by our accountant that they have to be consecutive and my suggestion would leave a lot of blanks (every time a job is created but doesn't end in a sale)
But the material order would be great if it could work.
Matt Badura commented
It would be great if there was an option to have the quote number, material order number, the work order number and Invoice numbers co-relate to the job number.
For example
Job #1001
The first Estimate created would be E1001-1, if another estimate is created for the same job it would become E1001-2When I create a material order / po it would be
The first Work Order WO1001-1
The first Invoice IN1001-1We find keeping all numbers related to the parent eliminates confusion and speeds up processing.
For example, my supplier currently would get a material order #1004 But this may be to job 1020. On their invoice they may enter 1004 as a reference or 1020 depending who took an order and then we have to figure out what to link it to. Having the same number for all documents we found works great.
Kellie Guinn commented
There is so much info that is doubled. If you assign a job number it would be nice if it just went on the contact. There are times we cant type a name in and get the job number just the contact info. We have to look the number up in quick books and then put that in and it will pop up. This is a recent problem. Not everyone has access to QB
Sherri Simms commented
Having the job number referenced in Invoice and other associated documents to the job is a nice feature IF their is also an extension to the job number as to allow for multiple documents for the same job. In other words, if the customer is paying in thirds, then there would be three invoices associated with one job. It would not make sense for the customer to receive three invoices with the same three invoice numbers if they use job numbers for invoicing. The work around could be a hyphenated number such as Job #194567 could produce Invoice #194567-01 for this particular jobs first invoice.
Mark Ahrens commented
It would be so helpful and efficient to have the SAME QUOTE, WORK ORDER AND INVOICE Numbers. Right now, it is three numbers and is very confusing.
Matthew (Matt) Nauss commented
I would like to have the option to make the Material Order number the same as the job number on all the material orders for the particular job. When sending material orders to different suppliers, they use our job number as their PO number and when they send the products it is easier to know what job it goes to because they send it from the job number.