Access to Delete Products and Service
User would like to have access to delete products and services and not just hide them.
Terrie MACKEY commented
This is one of the most frustrating things about JN to me. Not having the ability to delete products just clutters up my product list. I can't edit it from material only to labor and material and I can't delete it. We have codes that we have used for years and I don't want to change them.
Adam Pfeifer commented
There has to be a way to delete products and services you do not want. Currently you can hide them, but they are still in the system. Someone within the company or JobNimbus should have the ability to remove unwanted products from their account. I can delete an entire job, with all the history in it, but can't delete a product?
Kerry Barron commented
or MERGE two items together... say if a co-worker spelled an item incorrectly, but used it in an estimate or invoice, you could Merge the Incorrect spelling with the Correct spelling and have less
space taken up on server with hidden things..