Automatic Job Creation or Warning Pop-Up
With some users utilizing the Job Module, I would like to see the ability to either, have a Feature that you can turn on or off that allows Automatic Job Creation, the ability to create an Automation that allows a Job to be Added when a Contact is Created, Modified, or Created or Modified, or, a Warning Pop up that a Job is being created without a Related Contact. I see it working one of three ways, as follows:
If Automatic Job Creation is turned "On" it would automatically create a new job the way a job is added today using the duplicate data in Contact.
When a Contact is created and meets certain criteria it will Add a new Job.
A warning pop-up if a Job is being added and there is no Related Contact, it could read: "You are creating a Job without a Related Contact, are you sure?" Then in the popup there would be two options, Create Contact First or Proceed without Contact.

Merged with other ideas, fixed, or declined.