Automation Based on Built-In Job/Contact Fields
The automation system would more powerful if there was the ability to use the Built-In fields as conditions. We can use custom fields, why not the built-in fields? I think this change would be easy to implement as well.
"Is Archived" is an obvious built in field needed, but there are many other useful ones. I have to set up not equal status conditions to all my archive statuses if I want automation to only run on active jobs.
IF State is equal to Iowa
another example
IF Lead Source is not equal to Google
Most of my work is done in Nebraska, but I need to send specific papers to jobs done in Iowa. I had to create a custom required Job field called "Is Job in Iowa?" with a Yes/No to use as an automation condition.
This is silly since the location of the Job is already built-in and should be available to use as a condition.
Same is true with lead source and any other piece of information already built-in to the system.

Closing out due to age of request, that it was fixed, or that it won't be implemented. Cleaning up our votes to make sure we are focusing on the greatest impact.