More than one email address per contact
I'd like to "share" a file with someone else, but there is only 1 email address that can be assigned with a particular contact. For example an appraiser, public adjuster or attorney. Or for example I'd like to email State Farm and invoice or permit receipt, but have to manually enter the email address each time.

Steven Davis commented
Yes, absolutely. Every relationship I have with a bigger contractor requires multiple email addresses for various roles within that contractor. For instance, one email address for a project manager and another for the accounts manager.
Amber Sonoran Waters commented
I created custom fields for recording additional emails, but this does not help when needing to send an email to multiple addresses, as only the primary field can be selected when emailing.
QuickBooks allows this...and if the emails are entered into the QB contact then it does sync over to JN...but if the email is edited in JN, it will not allow us to save the contact that way.
And not everyone uses QB (or has two-way sync).
Glenn Christensen commented
It would be nice to have. Right now the only workable option is to create a second contact and then relate it to the first contact. Then whenever you email one contact you have the ability to chose the second contact's email as well. We have to do it with our contractors that have multiple project managers.